Figure 2.
Loss of paternal Snord116 in Snord116p−/m+ mice results in smaller neuronal nucleolus and cell body size. (A) Tuj1+ primary neurons isolated from E15.5 embryos of Snord116p−/m+ mice also display an ∼31% reduction in mean cell body area as compared with wild type (WT). (B) There is a 21% reduction in the mean Purkinje neuron diameter in Snord116p−/m+ fixed brain sections from P30 animals. (C) Purkinje neuron nucleolar diameter is 16% less in P30 Snord116p−/m+ mice. (D) Representative images of calbindin D28K (green) positive neurons and fibrillarin (red) positive nucleoli from cerebellar sections of P30 WT and Snord116p−/m+ (DEL) fixed brains; nuclei are marked in blue by Hoechst stain. All images were taken using a 63X objective with 1.1X zoom.