Snord116p−/m+ mice display developmental changes in the
endocrine pancreas that persist into adulthood. (A) There is no
difference in the body weight of P0.5 Snord116p−/m+
neonates compared with WT littermates. (B) There is a 23% decrease in the
mean islet size (number of nuclei per islet) of P0.5
Snord116p−/m+ mice compared with WT littermates.
(C) The proportion of insulin-positive cells in the islet is unchanged;
while the absolute number trends towards a 14% reduction, this does not reach
statistical significance (Supplementary Material, Fig. S6). (D) There is a 3-fold
increase in the proportion of somatostatin (SST) positive cells in the islet in
Snord116p−/m+ mice. (E) The percentage of
glucagon (GCG) positive cells is decreased in islets of
Snord116p−/m+animals. (F) There is no
difference in the percentage of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) positive cells.
(G) Representative images of the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain
sections from which the number of nuclei per islet was quantified in P0.5 mice.
(H,I) Representative images of insulin, glucagon, somatostin, and
pancreatic polypeptide immunofluorescent staining. (J) Adult
Snord116p−/m+ mice are generally smaller than WT
littermates. However, to minimize somatic size-related artifacts in comparisons of
islet endocrine cell type populations, body weight-matched adult wild type and
Snord116p−/m+ mice were selected. (K) The
mean islet size is decreased by 32%. In adult
Snord116p−/m+ mice compared with WT. (L) In
adult Snord116p−/m+the proportion of insulin positive
cells in the islet is unchanged in adult mice. (M) The percentage of
somatostatin positive cells are increased 1.5 fold. (N) The percentage of
glucagon positive cells is decreased by 30% in
Snord116p−/m+ mice. (O) The proportion of
pancreatic polypeptide positive cells is not altered in adult
Snord116p−/m+ mice. (P) Representative
H&E images used for quantification of mean islet size. (Q–S)
Representative images of the immunofluoresent staining for insulin, somatostatin,
glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide. (T,U) Ins1 and
Ins2 gene expression levels are decreased in isolated islets from
Snord116p−/m+ adult mice compared with WT.
(V) Sst gene expression levels are 2-fold increased in
Snord116p−/m+ isolated islets. (W–Y)
There is no difference in the gene expression levels of Gcg, Ppy, or
Ghrl in adult isolated islets.