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. 2018 Feb 12;5(1):ENEURO.0270-17.2018. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0270-17.2018

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Motor performance is normal, but motor learning is impaired in transgenic mice. A, Distance traveled and average speed in the open field for transgenic (Tg2, red, n = 8) and control (Ctrl, black, n = 7) mice. B–D, Baseline compensatory eye movements (examples traces for 0.4 Hz, middle left) quantified by gain (middle right) and phase (right) for Tg2 mice (red, n = 9) and control (Ctrl, black, n = 10) mice: (B) OKR; (C) VOR (in the dark); and (D) VVOR (in the light), schematized on the left of each respective panel. E, left, Representation of gain-decrease training paradigm (day 1: 5 × 10 min sinusoidal, in-phase drum and table rotation at 0.6 Hz, both with an amplitude of 5°; day 2: VOR gain measurement at 0.6 Hz). Middle, Example traces of before (time point, t = 0, indicated by a) and after (t = 50 min, b) adaptation. Right, Normalized gain for VOR recorded with 10-min intervals during 50-min training session for six-week-old Tg2 mice (red, n = 8) and control (Ctrl, black, n = 11) mice on day 1 and a single measurement at day 2. F, Similar to E; following the gain-decrease protocol, for four consecutive days the six-week-old transgenic and control mice were subjected to the phase reversal protocol (5 × 10 min sinusoidal in-phase drum and table rotation at 0.6 Hz, but with drum amplitudes of 7.5° on day 2 and 10° on days 3–5, while the table amplitude was 5°). VOR responses (middle: example traces, a same as E, c: t = 50 min on day 4) are depicted as gain of eye movement multiplied by the cosine of its phase, gain*cos(phase). Negative values here indicate a phase larger than 90° and the (theoretical) goal of the training is a value of -1. Empty circles represent individual data points, full circles are mean ± SEM; p values are indicated in the main text; asterisks indicate significant difference.