Figure 2.
WMN ICA decomposition auxiliary information. A, The eigenvalues (purple, left y-axis) and cumulative variance (green, right y-axis) of a PCA on the WMN. B, Pearson’s correlations between WMN-ICs on the subject-level (N = 1369). C, Quantile-quantile plots comparing the standardized residuals (y-axis) from multiple linear regression models of each WMN-IC against behavioral measurements and covariates (including the remaining WMN-ICs) with a normal distribution (x-axis); D-prime 2-back and D-prime 0-back performances were included as separate predictors in these models. Models with the performance difference of D-prime 2-back and D-prime 0-back as a single predictor yielded highly similar residuals (all rPearson > 0.98).