Figure 5. STING induction and mitochondrial priming in erlotinib DTP cells.
A) Immunobloting analysis of STING in parental or erlotinib DTP PC9 cells transduced with indicated sgRNA. B, C) qRT-PCR of IL6 UFM1 knockout PC9 cells or control PC9 cells. D) Immunobloting analysis of STING in PC9 cells after the incubation with 300 ng/ml of tunicamycin for 24 hr. E) UFM1 or UFSP2 deleted PC9 cells and control PC9 cells were pre-treated with Erlotinib or DMSO for 48 hr. Pre-treatment with ER stress inducer tunicamycin or brefeldin A could attenuate the enhance effect by for following 100 nM THZ1 treatment. F) BH3 profiling revealing alteration of mitochondrial permeability following incubation with the indicated BH3 peptides.