ICP response to electrostimulation of cavernous nerves. Panels A to C show representative waveforms of ICP and AP in the sham, vehicle, and MSC groups, respectively. Panels D and E show quantitative analyses of erectile function in the sham (n = 6), vehicle (n = 6), and bone marrow–derived MSC (n = 6) groups as evidenced by ICP/AP and ICPAUC, respectively. ICP/AP and ICPAUC at 4 weeks after cavernosal nerve injury in the bone marrow–derived MSC group were significantly increased compared with ICP/AP after cavernosal nerve injury in the vehicle group (*P < .05). Dashed bars under the x-axis indicate 1 minute of stimulation. *P < .05; **P < .01. AP = arterial pressure; ICP/AP = intracavernous pressure corrected for arterial pressure; ICPAUC = area under the curve for intracavernous pressure; MSC = mesenchymal stem cell.