Effects of P expression on contextual memory. (A) Fear expression in GFP, PWT, and PAASS mice during conditioning. Repeated ANOVA ran on 30-s blocks during the whole session (P < 0.05), and independent one-way ANOVA ran on block 4 (*P < 0.05). All groups displayed a similar increase in their freezing response after delivery of the electric shock (P > 0.05, independent one-way ANOVA ran on block 6). The lightning bolt icon indicates the time of shock delivery; the speaker indicates the tone delivery block. (B) Contextual memory assessed 24 h after conditioning and expressed as normalized data (SI Materials and Methods), showing the selective impairment of contextual memory due to PWT expression in the DG. One-way ANOVA, P < 0.01; #P < 0.05 for PWT vs. GFP and **P < 0.01 for PWT vs. PAASS by post hoc Fisher’s least significant difference test. (C) Analysis of residual freezing to the modified context before tone emission, 48 h after training. (D) Cued memory, assessed in a modified context, 48 h after training. Data are expressed as means ± SEM (GFP n = 8; PWT
n = 10; PAASS
n = 9).