A) Domain organization of human TIA1 family proteins. Protein length
in amino acids (aa) is indicated. RRMs, RNA recognition motif; PrLD, prion-like
domain. B) Verification of TIA1/TIAL1 DKO in HEK293 cells
expressing either FH-tagged TIAL1 or TIA1 cultured with or without Dox. TUBB:
Immunoblot (IB) for Tubulin beta chain. C) DKO/FH-TIAL1 and
DKO/FH-TIA1 cells cultured without Dox (−Dox) over a 10-day time-course.
D) Quantification of FH-tagged protein levels in DKO/FH-TIAL1
and DKO/FH-TIA1 cells upon Dox depletion based on IB (n=3) as shown in
(B). E) Cell cycle analyses of DKO/FH-TIAL1 or DKO/FH-TIA1 cells
cultured without Dox for up to 8 days. F) IB for phosphorylated
H2B, cleaved CASP3 and cleaved PARP on DKO/FH-TIAL1 cell lysates cultured
without Dox for up to 8 days. G) Fluorescence microscopy images of
unsynchronized DKO/FH-TIAL1 cells cultured with (+Dox) or without Dox
for 6 days (−Dox). Nuclei stained with DAPI. Scale bar, 2 μm.
H) IF on TUBB to visualize centrosome formation in DKO/FH-TIAL1
cells. DAPI was used to stain nuclear DNA. Right panels depict colored overlays
(DNA, blue; TUBB, green) of single grey scale images. Scale bar, 2 μm.
I) For DKO/FH-TIAL1 cells cultured with (0 days) or without Dox
(8 days), 100 mitotic cells were scored and the percentages of cells showing 1
(monopolar), 2 (bipolar asymmetric or symmetric), 3 (tripolar), or 4
(quadrupolar) centrosomes were calculated.