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. 2018 Feb 13;9:61. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00061

Table 2.

A psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis revealed differences in pain-induced connectivity from the periaqueductal gray in migraineurs and controls.

COG MNI coordinates
Brain region Laterality Z-Stat X Y Z Vol (voxels)
HC > migraine
Temporal pole sup L 2.73 −46 20 −20 704
Precuneus L 2.56 −12 −68 52 482
Front Sup Medial R 2.38 6 50 40 478
Cerebellum IX L 2.5 −20 −46 −50 450
Cerebellum Crus 1 L 2.47 −18 −78 −28 422
Mid. Occipital R 2.89 30 −90 18 267
Cerebellum Crus 1 R 2.45 30 −86 −24 207
Mid. Occipital L 2.51 −30 −98 −4 179

Migraine > HC
Calcarine R 2.74 10 −78 14 2,977
Postcentral L 2.43 −60 −14 28 2,010
SMA R 2.62 12 −16 70 1,424
Insula R 2.39 42 −6 10 405
Precentral R 1.96 42 −10 50 373
Sup. occipital L 2.27 −20 −84 44 368
Middle temporal R 2.25 52 −58 8 353
Inf. orbital L 2.15 −38 34 −12 192
Precentral L 2.26 −24 −24 72 187
Fusiform gyrus L 2.12 −32 −24 −30 165
Parahippicampal area R 2.19 28 −12 −26 155
Thalamus L 2.53 −10 −12 −2 131
Angular gyrus L 2.48 −48 −74 32 123
Cuneus L 1.72 −10 −72 28 120
Thalamus R 2.14 10 −20 4 93
Medial orbital R 1.71 4 62 −14 84
Postcentral L 2.44 −22 −36 58 79
Pyramis L 2.04 −46 −78 −44 44
Fusiform gyrus R 1.81 28 −72 −8 21

COG, center of gravity; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates; SMA, supplementary motor area; Vol, volume.