Table 5.
Study | Sample | Groups | Paradigm | Findings |
Lyu et al. (2016) | 64 adult undergraduate students from China 100% female Mage = 21.5 y MBMI = 20.0 kg/m2 |
Healthy weight sub-BED (n = 33; Age = 21.5±1.4 y; BMI = 20.4±2.3 kg/m2) HC (n = 31; Age = 21.4±1.5 y; BMI = 19.6±2.1 kg/m2) |
Instructions: Indicate left or right location of the dot by pressing ‘A’ or ‘L’ respectively, on standard computer keyboard. |
AB for high-calorie foods
Maner et al. (2006) | 66 adults from the United States 100% female Mage = 18.5 y† |
Participants completed EDI High EDI-BN (n = 6)† Low EDI-BN (n = 60)† |
Spatial cueing stimuli
Instructions: Following a single cue image in one quadrant, press “a” or “k” key to classify probe as a circle or square. Only analyzed invalid trials, in which probe appeared in a different location from the stimulus. |
AB for attractive female faces (vs. mean reaction time across all stimuli)
Schmitz et al. (2014) | 60 adults from Germany 100% female Mage = 44.0 y MBMI = 33.4 kg/m2 |
BED-OW (n = 27; Age = 46.0±14.5 y; BMI = 34.7±5.1 kg/m2) HC-OW (n = 33; Age = 42.4±13.5 y; BMI = 32.4±6.4 kg/m2) |
Spatial cueing stimuli
Instructions: Following a single cue image, press left or right button to indicate position of subsequent dot probe, while ignoring question mark probe. |
AB for food (vs. neutral) cues
Note: Studies are organized alphabetically. Clinical diagnoses are based on DSM criteria (e.g. for BN) unless noted otherwise.
No further demographics available.
Effect sizes not available.
Abbreviations: M = mean; NS = non-significant; HC = healthy controls; OW = overweight; BMI = body mass index; BED = binge eating disorder; sub = subthreshold; EDI = Eating Disorder Inventory; BN = bulimia nervosa.