Figure 3.
Phylogenetic relationships within Lethrinus species using 486 bp COI mtDNA. Statistical support for nodes is given for both Bayesian analyses (posterior probabilities) above branches and ML analyses (bootstrap support) below branches. Branch tips are labeled as such: Lm = Lethrinus mahsena, La = Lethrinus atkinsoni, Lh = Lethrinus harak. Haplotype (H) numbers for L. mahsena and L. harak correspond to Tables S2 and S3, for L. atkinsoni H1 = GenBank sequences from Queensland, Australia (KP194639.1, KP194307.1). laH2 = GenBank sequences from the Philippines (KF009603.1, KC970391.1). L. mahsena Madagascar and L. mahsena Japan = sequences deposited as L. mahsena on GenBank (JQ350088.1, JQ350089.1, JF952782.1) that do not correspond phylogenetically to this classification