(a) Mitochondrial genetic diversity levels, mtDNA neutrality tests, and a summary of mismatch distributions for 486 bp of Lethrinus harak and Lethrinus mahsena COI mtDNA: mtDNA sample size = N, number of haplotypes = H, number of private haplotypes = pHap, haplotype diversity = h, nucleotide diversity = π. (b) Microsatellite genetic diversity across nine (L. harak) and 10 (L. mahsena) loci in L. harak and L. mahsena, respectively: microsatellite sample size = N, number of alleles = N
A, expected heterozygosity = H
E, observed heterozygosity = H
O, and probability of deviation from Hardy–Weinberg expectations = p. For both mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets statistically significant estimates (p < .05) are highlighted in bold and instances where tests could not be performed are indicated as such (−)