Figure 7.
The surgical methods mentioned in the text for stabilization of the anterior and posterior pelvic ring are shown here.
a) Cemented sacroiliac screw osteosynthesis for a bilateral fracture of the lateral mass of the sacrum. b) Sacroiliac screw osteosynthesis, transsacral bar osteosynthesis, and a retrograde transpubic screw in the pubic bone inserted percutaneously. c) Ventral plate osteosynthesis for a fracture lateral to the sacroiliac joint. d) Unilateral lumbopelvic fixation combined with a cemented sacroiliac screw (triangular fixation). e) Ventral plate osteosynthesis of the anterior pelvic ring and transsacral bar osteosynthesis. f) Internal fixation with a screw-and-rod system to stabilize the anterior pelvic ring