Figure 3.
CA1 lesions impaired WM acquisition similarly to H lesions when rats had no prior experience (WM First, left). However, the lesions had no effect on WM acquisition when rats previously had DMP training (DMP First, right). H lesions impaired WM acquisition regardless of prior training. (A) Performance of H (WM First n = 8; DMP First n = 8), CA1 (WM First n = 8; DMP First n = 8), and sham (WM First n = 8; DMP First n = 7) groups across 5 d of WM training, measured as the mean percent time spent in the platform location during a probe trial at the beginning of each training day. The dashed line indicates chance performance (4%). (B) Heat maps represent the time spent in different parts of the watermaze on probe trials during acquisition by the two H groups, the two CA1 groups, and the two sham groups. For the color scale, red corresponds to the most frequently visited areas and turquoise to the least visited areas. Small black circles indicate platform location; error bars indicate SEM; (*) P < 0.05 between one group and the other two groups; (†) P < 0.05 between sham and H and P < 0.07 between sham and CA1.