Figure 2.
Functional Kv1.3 channel expression on acutely isolated MCAO microglia. Representative whole‐cell current traces showing Kv1.3 currents recorded from microglia acutely isolated from either (A) normal control mouse brain, (B) day‐2 ipsilateral MCAO mouse brain or (C) day‐8 ipsilateral MCAO mouse brain. (D) Scatterplot showing Kv1.3 current amplitude measured from individual microglial cells for each condition. A significant increase in Kv1.3 current expression is observed starting on day‐2 (51.41 ± 29.24 pA, n = 12) and day‐5 (41.78 ± 26.49 pA, n = 19) on ipsilateral microglia compared to normal control (14.46 ± 8.60 pA, n = 15) and day‐8 contralateral microglia (15.16 ± 10.38 pA, n = 18). ***P < 0.001. Day‐8 ipsilateral microglia (154.53 ± 94.46 pA, n = 32) express the largest Kv1.3 increase compared to all other conditions. ***P < 0.001. (E) Scatterplot showing Kv1.3 current density calculated for individual microglial cells for each condition. A significant increase in Kv1.3 current density is observed only in day‐8 ipsilateral microglia (36.40 ± 22.42 pA, n = 32) compared to normal control (5.06 ± 3.77 pA, n = 15), day‐2 ipsilateral (6.70 ± 3.98 pA, n = 12), day‐5 ipsilateral (5.27 ± 4.08 pA, n = 19) and day‐8 contralateral microglia (5.73 ± 4.44 pA, n = 18). **P < 0.01. All values are presented as mean ± SD. The significance of the difference between two conditions was tested using two‐tailed paired Student's t‐test.