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. 2018 Feb 8;10(1):ply010. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/ply010

Table 6.

Leaf traits and photosynthetic rate of maize in different treatments. NC: leaf nitrogen concentration (mg N g−1 leaf); gs: stomatal conductance for CO2 (mol m−2 s−1); gw: stomatal conductance for water (mol m−2 s−1); A: photosynthetic rate (μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). No shared letters denote a statistically significant difference (P = 0.05) using Tukey’s HSD. *Means the effect of Block or Week is significant, NS means the effects are not significant. t-tests were used to test the difference between border rows and inner row of 6:3WM treatments, for each week and for the average across the 3 weeks; differences were not significant.

Week Treatment SLA (m2 leaf g−1 leaf) NC (mg N g−1 leaf) SLN (g N m−2 leaf) SPAD g s (mol m−2 s−1) g w (mol m−2 s−1) A (μmol CO2 m−2 s−1)
29 SM 0.023 a 16.3 a 0.72 a 59.4 a 0.19 a 0.31 a 26.7 b
0:2 WM 0.022 a 16.6 a 0.75 a 60.3 a 0.17 a 0.27 a 26.7 b
6:2 WM 0.023 a 15.4 ab 0.66 ab 50.1 b 0.28 a 0.44 a 33.5 a
6:3 WM 0.024 a 12.7 bc 0.53 bc 47.8 b 0.21 a 0.34 a 31.1 a
8:2 WM 0.023 a 11.8 c 0.52 c 47.0 b 0.24 a 0.38 a 32.9 a
Block NS NS NS NS * * NS
30 SM 0.024 bc 16.4 a 0.68 a 59.4 a 0.11 a 0.17 a 18.8 c
0:2 WM 0.023 c 17.0 a 0.74 a 60.9 a 0.17 a 0.27 a 22.5 bc
6:2 WM 0.025 ab 15.4 ab 0.61 ab 50.3 b 0.21 a 0.33 a 32.6 a
6:3 WM 0.027 a 12.1 b 0.45 c 47.0 b 0.14 a 0.23 a 24.5 bc
8:2 WM 0.026 ab 12.1 b 0.47 bc 46.1 b 0.16 a 0.26 a 29.0 ab
31 SM 0.023 ab 13.8 ab 0.59 b 60.3 a 0.16 a 0.26 a 29.0 ab
0:2 WM 0.021 c 15.0 a 0.72 a 62.9 a 0.14 a 0.23 a 26.7 b
6:2 WM 0.022 bc 13.5 abc 0.61 ab 53.0 b 0.19 a 0.30 a 32.2 a
6:3 WM 0.024 a 11.8 bc 0.49 b 48.0 b 0.16 a 0.26 a 30.0 ab
8:2 WM 0.023 abc 11.5 c 0.50 b 47.5 b 0.18 ab 0.29 a 30.6 ab
Mean SM 0.024 b 15.5 a 0.66 b 59.7 a 0.16 b 0.25 b 24.8 c
0:2 WM 0.022 c 16.2 a 0.74 a 61.3 a 0.16 b 0.26 b 25.3 c
6:2 WM 0.024 b 14.8 a 0.63 b 51.1 b 0.23 a 0.36 a 32.8 a
6:3 WM 0.025 a 12.2 b 0.49 c 47.6 c 0.18 ab 0.28 ab 28.6 b
8:2 WM 0.024 ab 11.8 b 0.50 c 46.9 c 0.19 ab 0.31 ab 30.8 ab
Week * * * NS * * *
Block NS * * * NS * NS