Growth behavior of E. coli hemN and hemW mutants.
A, E. coli hemW does not encode a coproporphyrinogen III dehydrogenase. Cells were grown anaerobically at 37 °C in LB medium containing 10 mm NaNO3 and no antibiotics in tightly sealed anaerobic flasks. Changes in optical density at A578 were followed spectroscopically. Values for each strain are averages of three independent experiments with three parallel cultures. The growth of wildtype BW25113 (red), E. coli ΔhemN (green), ΔhemN with pET-3a-hemN (E. coli hemN) (orange), ΔhemN with pGEXhemWF25C (blue), and ΔhemN with pGEXhemWF25C+46N-term (purple) were compared. B, slight growth phenotype of the E. coli hemW mutant. The anaerobic growth in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 5 mm KNO3 and glycerol as non-fermentable carbon source was compared. Without KNO3, almost no growth was observed. Growth with KNO3 of wildtype E. coli BW25113 (red solid line) and E. coli JW2922 (ΔhemW) (blue solid line) and growth without KNO3 of E. coli BW25113 (red dashed line) and E. coli JW2922 (ΔhemW) (blue dashed line) were compared. Changes in optical density at A578 were followed spectroscopically. Values for each strain are averages of six independent experiments with three parallel cultures. Error bars represent S.D.