Fig. 2.
Antibiotic resistances in stool samples from refugees and German control individuals. a Prevalences; bar heights represent prevalences relative to German control individuals, color coded by resistance gene. Genes were grouped in three categories: bottom group (BIL/LAT/CMY, ErmB, and mefE), present in similar amounts in refugees and German control individuals; middle group (vanB), present in higher amount in German controls; and upper group (QnrB, OXA-1, vanC1, SHV, CTX-M group 1, TEM), present in higher amounts in refugees, while two resistance genes (QnrB and OXA-1) were not found in German control individuals and scaled separately for visualization purposes. b The number of antibiotic resistance genes observed per individual, illustrated by the proportion of individuals per nation with a given number of different resistances. Others: refugees from Albania, Armenia, Chechnya, India, Kosovo, Lebanon, Somalia, Turkey, and Yemen