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. 2018 Feb 13;9:67. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00067

Table 11.

Descriptions of new name combinations for species in the genus Mycolicibacterium.

New name combinations Description and type strain
Mycolicibacterium fortuitum comb. nov. (for.tu´i.tum. L. neut. adj. fortuitum, casual, accidental, fortuitous) Basonym: Mycobacterium fortuitum da Costa Cruz 1938 (Approved Lists, 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by da Costa Cruz (1938). The type strain is ATCC 6841 = CCUG 20994 = CIP 104534 = DSM 46621 = IFO (now NBRC) 13159 = JCM 6387 = NCTC 10394.
Mycolicibacterium fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum comb. nov. (´ti.cum. N.L. neut. n. acetamidum, acetamide; N.L. neut. adj. lyticum (from Gr. neut. adj. lytikon), able to loosen, able to dissolve; N.L. neut. adj. acetamidolyticum, digesting acetamide) Basonym: Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum Tsukamura et al. 1986
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1986a,b). The type strain is NCH E11620 = ATCC 35931 = CIP 105423 = DSM 44220 = JCM 6368.
Mycolicibacterium fortuitum subsp. fortuitum comb. nov. (for.tu´i.tum. L. neut. adj. fortuitum, casual, accidental, fortuitous) Basonym: Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. fortiutum (da Costa Cruz, 1938) Tsukamura et al. 1986
The description of this taxon is as given by da Costa Cruz (1938). The type strain is ATCC 6841 = CCUG 20994 = CIP 104534 = DSM 46621 = IFO (now NBRC) 13159 = JCM 6387 = NCTC 10394.
Mycolicibacterium agri comb. nov. (ag´ri, L. gen. n. agri, of a field) Basonym: Mycobacterium agri (ex Tsukamura 1972) Tsukamura 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1981). The type strain is 90012 = ATCC 27406 = CCUG 37673 A = CIP 105391 = DSM 44515 = JCM 6377.
Mycolicibacterium aichiense comb. nov. (ai.chi.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. aichiense, of or belonging to Aichi prefecture, Japan) Basonym: Mycobacterium aichiense (ex Tsukamura et al. 1973) Tsukamura 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1981). The type strain is 49005 (previously, strain 5545) = ATCC 27280 = CIP 106808 = DSM 44147 = JCM 6376 = LMG 19259 = NCTC 10820.
Mycolicibacterium alvei comb. nov. (al´ve.i. L. gen. n. alvei, of the bed of a river, referring to the place where this species was first isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium alvei Ausina et al. 1992
The description of this taxon is as given by Ausina et al. (1992). The type strain is CR-21 = ATCC 51304 = CIP 103464 = DSM 44176 = JCM 12272.
Mycolicibacterium anyangense comb. nov. (an.yang.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. anyangense, pertaining to Anyang, Republic of Korea, the geographical location of the agency isolating the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium anyangense Kim et al. 2015
The description of this taxon is as given by Kim et al. (2015). The type strain is QIA-38 = JCM 30275 = KCTC 29443.
Mycolicibacterium arabiense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. arabiense, of or belonging to Arabia, referring to the isolation of the type strain in Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Basonym: Mycobacterium arabiense Zhang et al. 2013
The description of this taxon is as given by Zhang et al. (2013a). The type strain is YIM 121001T = DSM 45768T = JCM 18538.
Mycolicibacterium arcueilense comb. nov. (ar.cueil.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. arcueilense, of or belonging to Arcueil, pertaining to the town of Arcueil (south of Paris) where most isolates were recovered) Basonym: Mycobacterium arcueilense Konjek et al. 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Konjek et al. (2016). The type strain is 269 = ParisRGMnew_3 = CIP 110654 = DSM 46715.
Mycolicibacterium aromaticivorans comb. nov. [´rans. L. adj. aromaticus, aromatic, fragrant; L. pres. part. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj. aromaticivorans, devouring aromatic (compounds)] Basonym: Mycobacterium aromaticivorans Hennessee et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Hennessee et al. (2009). The type strain is JS19b1 = ATCC BAA-1378 = CIP 109274 = JCM 16368.
Mycolicibacterium aubagnense comb. nov. (au.bag.nen´se. N.L. neut. adj. aubagnense, of or pertaining to Aubagne, the city from where the first patient originated) Basonym: Mycobacterium aubagnense Adékambi et al. 2006
The description of this taxon is as given by Adékambi et al. (2006a). The type strain is U8 = CCUG 50186 = CIP 108543 = JCM 15296.
Mycolicibacterium aurum comb. nov. (au´rum. L. n. aurum, the gold, the color of gold, intended to mean gold-pigmented) Basonym: Mycobacterium aurum Tsukamura 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1966). The type strain is ATCC 23366 = CCUG 37666 = CIP 104465 = DSM 43999 = HAMBI 2275 = JCM 6366 = LMG 19255 = NCTC 10437 = NRRL B-4037.
Mycolicibacterium austroafricanum comb. nov. (´num. L. adj. australis, southern; L. adj. africanus, pertaining to Africa; N.L. neut. adj. austroafricanum, of or pertaining to South Africa, the source of the isolates) Basonym: Mycobacterium austroafricanum Tsukamura et al. 1983
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1983c). The type strain is E9789-SA12441 = ATCC 33464 = CCUG 37667 = CIP 105395 = DSM 44191 = HAMBI 2271 = JCM 6369.
Mycolicibacterium bacteremicum comb. nov. (bac.ter.e´mi.cum. N.L. n. bacteremia, bacteremia; N.L. neut. suff. -(i)cum, suffix used with the sense of pertaining to; N.L. neut. adj. bacteremicum, pertaining to bacteremia, referring to the organism´s association with bloodstream infections) Basonym: Mycobacterium bacteremicum (Brown-Elliott et al., 2012)
The description of this taxon is as given by Brown-Elliott et al. (2010). The type strain is ATCC 25791 = DSM 45578.
Mycolicibacterium boenickei comb. nov. (´cke.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. boenickei, of Bönicke, in honor of the contribution of Rudolf Bönicke, a German mycobacteriologist, who first recognized the heterogeneity within the Mycobacterium fortuitum complex) Basonym: Mycobacterium boenickei Schinsky et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Schinsky et al. (2004). The type strain is W5998 = ATCC 49935 = DSM 44677 = JCM 15653.
Mycolicibacterium brisbanense comb. nov. (bris.ban.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. brisbanense, of or pertaining to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, the source of the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium brisbanense Schinsky et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Schinsky et al. (2004). The types strain is W6743 = ATCC 49938 = CCUG 47584 = DSM 44680 = JCM 15654.
Mycolicibacterium brumae comb. nov. (bru´mae. L. gen. n. brumae, of winter, referring to the time of year at which the first strains were isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium brumae Luquin et al. 1993
The description of this taxon is as given by Luquin et al. (1993). The type strain is CR-270 = ATCC 51384 = CCUG 37586 = CIP 103465 = DSM 44177 = JCM 12273.
Mycolicibacterium canariasense comb. nov. (´se. L. neut. adj. canariasense, of or belonging to the Canarias (the Spanish name of the Canary Islands), where all strains were isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium canariasense (Jíménez et al., 2004)
The description of this taxon is as given by Jíménez et al. (2004). The type strain is 502329 = CCUG 47953 = CIP 107998 = JCM 15298.
Mycolicibacterium celeriflavum comb. nov. (ce.le.ri.fla´vum. L. adj. celer, rapid; L. neut. adj. flavum, yellow; N.L. neut. adj. celeriflavum, referring to rapid growth and yellow pigmentation features of the species) Basonym: Mycobacterium celeriflavum Shahraki et al. 2015
The description of this taxon is as given by Shahraki et al. (2015). The type strain is AFPC-000207 = DSM 46765 = JCM 18439.
Mycolicibacterium chitae comb. nov. (chi´tae. N.L. gen. n. chitae, of Chita, a place in Japan) Basonym: Mycobacterium chitae Tsukamura 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1967b). The type strain is ATCC 19627 = CCUG 39504 = CIP 105383 = DSM 44633 = JCM 12403 = NCTC 10485.
Mycolicibacterium chlorophenolicum comb. nov. (´li.cum. N.L. n. chlorophenol, chlorophenol; L. neut. suffix -icum, suffix used with the sense of pertaining to; N.L. neut. adj. chlorophenolicum, related to chlorophenols) Basonym: Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum (Apajalahti et al., 1986) Brigila et al. 1994
The description of this taxon is as given by Apajalahti et al. (1986). The type strain is PCP-I = ATCC 49826 = CIP 104189 = DSM 43826 = HAMBI 2278 = IEGM 559 = IFO (now NBRC) 15527 = JCM 7439 = NRRL B-16528.
Mycolicibacterium chubuense comb. nov. (chu.bu.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. chubuense, of or belonging to Chubu, coming from soil of Chubu hospital) Basonym: Mycobacterium chubuense (ex Tsukamura et al. 1973) Tsukamura et al. 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1981). The type strain is 48013 (previously, strain 5517) = ATCC 27278 = CCUG 37670 = CIP 106810 = DSM 44219 = JCM 6374 = JCM 16420 = NCTC 10819.
Mycolicibacterium conceptionense comb. nov. (con.cep.tio.nen´se. N.L. neut. adj. conceptionense, of or pertaining to Hôpital de la Conception, the hospital where the first strain was isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium conceptionense Adékambi et al. 2006
The description of this taxon is as given by Adékambi et al. (2006b,c). The type strain is D16 = CCUG 50187 = CIP 108544 = JCM 15299.
Mycolicibacterium confluentis comb. nov. (con.flu.en´tis. M.L. gen. n. confluentis, of Confluentes, now Koblenz, the source of the strain on which the species description is based) Basonym: Mycobacterium confluentis Kirschner et al. 1992
The description of this taxon is as given by Kirschner et al. (1992). The type strain is 1389/90 = ATCC 49920 = CIP 105510 = DSM 44017 = JCM 13671.
Mycolicibacterium cosmeticum comb. nov. (´ti.cum. N.L. neut. adj. cosmeticum (from Gr. adj. kosmetikos), referring to cosmetics) Basonym: Mycobacterium cosmeticum Cooksey et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Cooksey et al. (2004). The type strain is LTA-388 = ATCC BAA-878 = CIP 108170 = JCM 14739.
Mycolicibacterium crocinum comb. nov. (cro´ci.num. L. neut. adj. crocinum, saffron-colored, pertaining to the colony pigmentation of known strains) Basonym: Mycobacterium crocinum Hennessee et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Hennessee et al. (2009). The type strain is czh-42 = ATCC BAA-1373 = CIP 109269 = JCM 16369.
Mycolicibacterium diernhoferi comb. nov. (diern.ho´fe.ri. N.L. gen. masc. n. diernhoferi, of Diernhofer, who originally isolated the organisms) Basonym: Mycobacterium diernhoferi (ex Bönicke and Juhasz 1965) Tsukamura et al. 1983
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1983c). The type strain is 41001 = ATCC 19340 = CIP 105384 = DSM 43524 = HAMBI 2269 = IFO (now NBRC) 14756 = JCM 6371.
Mycolicibacterium doricum comb. nov. (do´ri.cum. L. neut. adj. doricum, of or belonging to Dorica civitas, the ancient name of the Italian city of Ancona, from where the organism was first isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium doricum Tortoli et al., 2001
The description of this taxon is as given by Tortoli et al. (2001). The type strain is FI-13295 = CCUG 46352 = CIP 106867 = DSM 44339 = JCM 12405.
Mycolicibacterium duvalii comb. nov. (´li.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. duvalii, of Duval, named for Professor C.W. Duval who isolated two strains of the organism) Basonym: Mycobacterium duvalii Stanford and Gunthorpe1971
The description of this taxon is as given by Stanford and Gunthorpe (1971). The type strain is ATCC 43910 = CCUG 41352 = CIP 104539 = DSM 44244 = JCM 6396 = NCTC 358.
Mycolicibacterium elephantis comb. nov. (e.le.phan´tis. L. gen. n. elephantis, of an elephant) Basonym: Mycobacterium elephantis Shojaei et al. 2000
The description of this taxon is as given by Shojaei et al. (2000). The type strain is 484 = CIP 106831 = DSM 44368 = JCM 12406.
Mycolicibacterium fallax comb. nov. (fal´lax. L. neut. adj. fallax, deceptive, in the sense that the colonies resemble those of Mycobacterium tuberculosis) Basonym: Mycobacterium fallax Lévy-Frébault et al. 1983
The description of this taxon is as given by Lévy-Frébault et al. (1983). The type strain is ATCC 35219 = CCUG 37584 = CIP 81.39 = DSM 44179 = JCM 6405.
Mycolicibacterium farcinogenes comb. nov. (´ge.nes. Fr. n. farcin (from L. n. farciminum, a disease in horses and other animals), farcy or glanders; Gr. v. gennaio, produce; N.L. part. adj. farcinogenes, producing farcy) Basonym: Mycobacterium farcinogenes Chamoiseau 1973 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Chamoiseau (1973). The type strain is IEMVT 75 = ATCC 35753 = CCUG 21047 = DSM 43637 = JCM 15463 = NCTC 10955.
Mycolicibacterium flavescens comb. nov. (fla.ves´cens. L. v. flavesco, to become golden yellow; L. part. adj. flavescens, becoming yellow) Basonym: Mycobacterium flavescens Bojalil et al. 1962 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Bojalil et al. (1962). The type strain is ATCC 14474 = CCUG 29041 = CIP 104533 = DSM 43991 = JCM 12274 = NCTC 10271 = NRRL B-4038.
Mycolicibacterium fluoranthenivorans comb. nov. (´rans. N.L. n. fluoranthenum, fluoranthene; L. pres. part. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj. fluoranthenivorans, digesting fluoranthene) Basonym: Mycobacterium fluoranthenivorans Hormisch et al., 2006
The description of this taxon is as given by Hormisch et al. (2004, 2006). The type strain is FA4 = DSM 44556 = CIP 108203 = JCM 14741.
Mycolicibacterium frederiksbergense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. frederiksbergense, of or belonging to Frederiksberg, Denmark, referring to the place of isolation) Basonym: Mycobacterium frederiksbergense Willumsen et al. 2001
The description of this taxon is as given by Willumsen et al. (2001). The type strain is FAn9 = CIP 107205 = DSM 44346 = NRRL B-24126.
Mycolicibacterium gadium comb. nov. [ga´ L. gen. pl. n. gadium, of Gades, the modern Cadiz (a town on the Atlantic coast of Spain)] Basonym: Mycobacterium gadium Casal and Calero 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Casal and Calero (1974). The type strain is ATCC 27726 = CCUG 37515 = CIP 105388 = DSM 44077 = HAMBI 2274 = JCM 12688 = NCTC 10942.
Mycolicibacterium gilvum comb. nov. (gil´vum. L. neut. adj. gilvum, pale yellow) Basonym: Mycobacterium gilvum Stanford and Gunthorpe 1971 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Stanford and Gunthorpe (1971). The type strain is ATCC 43909 = CIP 106743 = JCM 15464 = NCTC 10742.
Mycolicibacterium goodii comb. nov. (good´i.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. goodii, of Good, named for Robert Good who made significant contributions to the study of mycobacteria) Basonym: Mycobacterium goodii Brown et al. 1999
The description of this taxon is as given by Brown et al. (1999). The type strain is MO69 = ATCC 700504 = CIP 106349 = DSM 44492 = JCM 12689.
Mycolicibacterium hassiacum comb. nov. (´cum. M.L. neut. adj. hassiacum, of or belonging to Hassia, the German province of Hesse, where the organism was first isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium hassiacum Schröder et al. 1997
The description of this taxon is as given by Schröder et al. (1997). The type strain is 3849 = CCUG 37519 = CIP 105218 = DSM 44199 = JCM 12690.
Mycolicibacterium helvum comb. nov. (hel´vum. L. neut. adj. helvum, pale yellow, intended to mean pale yellow-pigmented) Basonym: Mycobacterium helvum Tran and Dahl 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Tran and Dahl (2016). The type strain is DL739 = JCM 30396 = NCCB 100520.
Mycolicibacterium hippocampi comb. nov. (´pi. L. gen. n. hippocampi, of the seahorse) Basonym: Mycobacterium hippocampi Balcázar et al. 2014
The description of this taxon is as given by Balcázar et al. (2014a,b). The type strain is BFLP-6 = DSM 45391 = LMG 25372.
Mycolicibacterium hodleri comb. nov. (hod´le.ri. N.L. gen. masc. n. hodleri, of Hodler, named after Christian Hodler, director of the Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of Lower Saxony, Germany, a strong supporter of natural sciences) Basonym: Mycobacterium hodleri Kleespies et al. 1996
The description of this taxon is as given by Kleespies et al. (1996). The type strain is EMI2 = CIP 104909 = DSM 44183 = JCM 12141 = LMG 19253.
Mycolicibacterium holsaticum comb. nov. (´ti.cum. M.L. neut. adj. holsaticum, of or belonging to Holsatia, the German region of Holstein, the location of the institute in which the strains were first analyzed) Basonym: Mycobacterium holsaticum Richter et al. 2002
The description of this taxon is as given by Richter et al. (2002). The type strain is 1406 = CCUG 46266 = DSM 44478 = JCM 12374.
Mycolicibacterium houstonense comb. nov. (hous.ton.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. houstonense, of or pertaining to Houston, TX, USA, where the first isolate of the Mycobacterium fortuitum third biovariant (sorbitol positive) was identified) Basonym: Mycobacterium houstonense Schinsky et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Schinsky et al. (2004). The type strain is W5198 = ATCC 49403 = DSM 44676 = JCM 15656.
Mycolicibacterium insubricum comb. nov. (´bri.cum. L. neut. adj. insubricum, pertaining to Insubria, the Latin name of part of the Lombardy region of Italy that includes the cities in which four of the first five strains were isolated, including the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium insubricum Tortoli et al., 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Tortoli et al. (2009). The type strain is FI-06250 = CIP 109609 = DSM 45132 = JCM 16366.
Mycolicibacterium iranicum comb. nov. (i.ra´ni.cum. N.L. neut. adj. iranicum, of or belonging to Iran, isolated in Iran) Basonym: Mycobacterium iranicum Shojaei et al. 2013
The description of this taxon is as given by Shojaei et al. (2013). The type strain is M05 = DSM 45541 = CCUG 62053 = JCM 17461.
Mycolicibacterium komossense comb. nov. (ko.mos.sen´se. N.L. neut. adj. komossense, of or belonging to Komosse sphagnum bog in south Sweden) Basonym: Mycobacterium komossense Kazda and Müller 1979 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Kazda and Müller (1979). The type strain is Ko 2 = ATCC 33013 = CIP 105293 = DSM 44078 = HAMBI 2279 = HAMBI 2280 = JCM 12408.
Mycolicibacterium litorale comb. nov. (´le. L. neut. adj. litorale, of or belonging to the seashore) Basonym: Mycobacterium litorale Zhang et al. 2012
The description of this taxon is as given by Zhang et al. (2012). The type strain is F4 = CGMCC 4.5724 = JCM 17423.
Mycolicibacterium llatzerense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. llatzerense, pertaining to Hospital Son Llàtzer, the hospital where the strains were isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium llatzerense Gomila et al. 2008
The description of this taxon is as given by Gomila et al. (2008). The type strain is MG13 = CCUG 54744 = CECT 7273 = JCM 16229.
Mycolicibacterium lutetiense comb. nov. (lu.te.ti.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. lutetiense, of or belonging to Lutetia, now Paris, pertaining to the widespread distribution of this species within the Paris water distribution system) Basonym: Mycobacterium lutetiense Konjek et al. 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Konjek et al. (2016). The type strain is 071 = ParisRGMnew_1 = CIP 110656 = DSM 46713.
Mycolicibacterium madagascariense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. madagascariense, of or belonging to the island of Madagascar, the source of the strains) Basonym: Mycobacterium madagascariense Kazda et al., 1992
The description of this taxon is as given by Kazda et al. (1992). The type strain is P2 = ATCC 49865 = CIP 104538 = JCM 13574.
Mycolicibacterium mageritense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. mageritense, of or pertaining to Magerit, old (first) Arabic name of Madrid, the source of most of the isolates) Basonym: Mycobacterium mageritense Domenech et al. 1997
The description of this taxon is as given by Domenech et al. (1997). The type strain is 938 = ATCC 700351 = CCUG 37984 = CIP 104973 = DSM 44476 = JCM 12375.
Mycolicibacterium malmesburyense comb. nov. (mal.mes.bu.ry.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. malmesburyense pertaining to Malmesbury, after a town (Malmesbury) in South Africa, where one of the isolates (the type strain) of this species originated from) Basonym: Mycobacterium malmesburyense Gcebe et al. 2017
The description of this taxon is as given by Gcebe et al. (2017). The type strain is WCM 7299 = ATCC BAA-2759 = CIP 110822.
Mycolicibacterium monacense comb. nov. (´se. M.L. neut. adj. monacense, of or belonging to Monacum, the Latin name of the German city Munich where the first strain was isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium monacense Reischl et al. 2006
The description of this taxon is as given by Reischl et al. (2006). The type strain is B9-21-178 = CIP 109237 = DSM 44395 = JCM 15658.
Mycolicibacterium montmartrense comb. nov. (mont.mar.tren´se. N.L. neut. adj. montmartrense, pertaining to the Parisian quartier of Montmartre where most isolates were recovered ‘Mycobacterium sp. NL-JvlW-016’ (van Ingen et al., 2010)) Basonym: Mycobacterium montmartrense Konjek et al. 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Konjek et al. (2016). The type strain is 196 = ParisRGMnew_2 = CIP 110655 = DSM 46714. A RGM isolate putatively belonging to this species on the basis of partial rpoB sequence (99% identity across 636 bp) has been reported in the Netherlands under the designation
Mycolicibacterium moriokaense comb. nov. (mo.ri.o.ka.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. moriokaense, of or belonging to Morioka, the locality where the species was first isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium moriokaense Tsukamura et al. 1986c
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1986c). The type strain is NCH E11715 = ATCC 43059 = CCUG 37671 = CIP 105393 = DSM 44221 = JCM 6375 = VKM Ac-1183.
Mycolicibacterium mucogenicum comb. nov. (´ni.cum. L. n. mucus, mucus, Gr. v. gennaio, to produce; L. neut. suff. -icum, suffix used with the sense of pertaining to; N.L. neut. adj. mucogenicum, intended to mean producing mucus, referring to the highly mucoid character of most strains on solid agar) Basonym: Mycobacterium mucogenicum Springer et al. 1995
The description of this taxon is as given by Springer et al. (1995). The type strain is MO76 = ATCC 49650.
Mycolicibacterium murale comb. nov. (mu.ra´le. L. neut. adj. murale, of or belonging to a wall) Basonym: Mycobacterium murale Vuorio et al. 1999
The description of this taxon is as given by Vuorio et al. (1999). The type strain is MA112/96 = CCUG 39728 = CIP 105980 = DSM 44340 = HAMBI 2320 = JCM 13392.
Mycolicibacterium neoaurum comb. nov. (´rum. Gr. adj. neos, new; L. n. aurum, gold; N.L. n. neoaurum, a new gold, intended to mean a new gold-pigmented organism) Basonym: Mycobacterium neoaurum Tsukamura 1972 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1972). The type strain is ATCC 25795 = CCUG 37665 = CIP 105387 = DSM 44074 = HAMBI 2273 = JCM 6365 = NCTC 10818.
Mycolicibacterium neworleansense comb. nov. (new.or.le.ans.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. neworleansense, of or pertaining to New Orleans, LA, USA, the source of the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium neworleansense Schinsky et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Schinsky et al. (2004). The type strain is W6705 = ATCC 49404 = DSM 44679 = JCM 15659.
Mycolicibacterium novocastrense comb. nov. (no.vo.cas.tren´se. L. adj. novus, new; L. n. castrum, castle; N.L. neut. adj. novocastrense, of or pertaining to Newcastle, a city in the northeast of England) Basonym: Mycobacterium novocastrense Shojaei et al. 1997
The description of this taxon is as given by Shojaei et al. (1997). The type strain is 73 = CIP 105546 = DSM 44203 = JCM 18114.
Mycolicibacterium obuense comb. nov. (o.bu.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. obuense, of or belonging to Obu, Japan) Basonym: Mycobacterium obuense (ex Tsukamura and Mizuno 1971) Tsukamura and Mizuno 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1981). The type strain is 47001 (previously, strain 4388) = ATCC 27023 = CCUG 37669 = CIP 106803 = DSM 44075 = HAMBI 2272 = JCM 6372 = NCTC 10778.
Mycolicibacterium oryzae comb. nov. (o.ry´zae. L. gen. n. oryzae, of rice, the origin of the type strain). Basonym: Mycobacterium oryzae Ramaprasad et al. 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Ramaprasad et al. (2016). The type strain is JC290 = KCTC 39560 = LMG 28809.
Mycolicibacterium pallens comb. nov. (pal´lens. L. neut. adj. pallens, pale yellow, pertaining to the colony pigmentation of the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium pallens Hennessee et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Hennessee et al. (2009). The type strain is czh-8 = ATCC BAA-1372 = CIP 109268 = JCM 16370.
Mycolicibacterium parafortuitum comb. nov. (pa.ra.for.tu´i.tum. Gr. prep. para, alongside of or near; L. neut. adj. fortuitum, casual, accidental, and also a specific epithet; N.L. neut. adj. parafortuitum, alongside of (Mycobacterium) fortuitum) Basonym: Mycobacterium parafortuitum Tsukamura, 1965 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1965b). The type strain is ATCC 19686 = CCUG 20999 = CIP 106802 = DSM 43528 = JCM 6367 = NCTC 10411 = NRRL B-4035.
Mycolicibacterium peregrinum comb. nov. (´num. L. neut. adj. peregrinum, strange, foreign) Basonym: Mycobacterium peregrinum (ex Bojalil et al. 1962) Kusunoki and Ezaki 1992
The description of this taxon is as given by Kusunoki and Ezaki (1992). The type strain is ATCC 14467 = CCUG 27976 = CIP 105382 = DSM 43271 = JCM 12142 = NCTC 10264.
Mycolicibacterium phlei comb. nov. (phle´i. N.L. neut. n. Phleum, a genus of grass, timothy; N.L. gen. n. phlei, of Phleum, of timothy) Basonym: Mycobacterium phlei Lehmann and Neumann 1899 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Lehmann and Neumann (1899). The type strain is ATCC 11758 = CCUG 21000 = CIP 105389 = DSM 43239 = JCM 5865 = JCM 6385 = NCTC 8151 = NRRL B-14615 = VKM Ac-1291.
Mycolicibacterium phocaicum comb. nov. (´i.cum. L. neut. adj. phocaicum, Phocœan, referred to Phocaea, a maritime town of Ionia, a colony of the Athenians, whose inhabitants fled, to escape from Persian domination, and founded Massilia (Marseille), which was the source of the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium phocaicum Adékambi et al. 2006
The description of this taxon is as given by Adékambi et al. (2006a). The type strain is N4 = CCUG 50185 = CIP 108542 = JCM 15301.
Mycolicibacterium porcinum comb. nov. ( L. neut. adj. porcinum, pertaining to swine) Basonym: Mycobacterium porcinum Tsukamura et al. 1983
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1983b). The type strain is E10241-1 = ATCC 33776 = CCUG 37674 = CIP 105392 = DSM 44242 = JCM 6378.
Mycolicibacterium poriferae comb. nov. (po.ri´fe.rae. N.L. gen. poriferae of the Porifera, the phylum of sponges) Basonym: Mycobacterium poriferae Padgitt and Moshier 1987
The description of this taxon is as given by Padgitt and Moshier (1987). The type strain is 47 = ATCC 35087 = CIP 105394 = JCM 12603.
Mycolicibacterium psychrotolerans comb. nov. (´le.rans. Gr. adj. psychros, cold; L. pres. part. tolerans, tolerating; N.L. part. adj. psychrotolerans, cold-tolerating) Basonym: Mycobacterium psychrotolerans Trujillo et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Trujillo et al. (2004). The type strain is WA101 = DSM 44697 = JCM 13323 = LMG 21953.
Mycolicibacterium pulveris comb. nov. (pul´ve.ris. L. gen. n. pulveris, of dust, referring to the source, house dust) Basonym: Mycobacterium pulveris Tsukamura et al. 1983
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1983a). The type strain is NCH 33505 = ATCC 35154 = CCUG 37668 = CIP 106804 = DSM 44222 = JCM 6370.
Mycolicibacterium pyrenivorans comb. nov. (´rans. N.L. n. pyrenum, pyrene; L. pres. part. vorans, devouring, destroying; N.L. part. adj. pyrenivorans, destroying pyrene) Basonym: Mycobacterium pyrenivorans Derz et al. 2004
The description of this taxon is as given by Derz et al. (2004). The type strain is 17A3 = DSM 44605 = JCM 15927 = NRRL B-24349.
Mycolicibacterium rhodesiae comb. nov. (´ae. N.L. gen. n. rhodesiae, of/from Rhodesia) Basonym: Mycobacterium rhodesiae (ex Tsukamura et al. 1971) Tsukamura et al. 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1981). The types strain is 02002 (previously, strain 5295) = ATCC 27024 = CIP 106806 = DSM 44223 = JCM 6363 = NCTC 10779.
Mycolicibacterium rufum comb. nov. (ru´fum. L. neut. adj. rufum ruddy or red, pertaining to the colony pigmentation of the type strain) Basonym: Mycobacterium rufum Hennessee et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Hennessee et al. (2009). The type strain is JS14 = ATCC BAA-1377 = CIP 109273 = JCM 16372.
Mycolicibacterium rutilum comb. nov. (ru´ti.lum. L. neut. adj. rutilum, rust-colored, pertaining to the colony pigmentation of known strains) Basonym: Mycobacterium rutilum Hennessee et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by Hennessee et al. (2009). The type strain is czh-117 = ATCC BAA-1375 = CIP 109271 = JCM 16371.
Mycolicibacterium sarraceniae comb. nov. (sar.ra.ce´ N.L. fem. gen. n. sarraceniae, of Sarracenia, for the pitcher plant from where the species was isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium sarraceniae Tran and Dahl 2016
The description of this taxon is as given by Tran and Dahl (2016). The type strain is DL734 = JCM 30395 = NCCB 100519.
Mycolicibacterium sediminis comb. nov. (se.di´mi.nis. L. gen. n. sediminis, of a sediment) Basonym: Mycobacterium sediminis Zhang et al. 2013
The description of this taxon is as given by Zhang et al. (2013a). The type strain is YIM M13028 = DSM 45643 = KCTC 19999.
Mycolicibacterium senegalense comb. nov. (´se. N.L. neut. adj. senegalense, of or belonging to the West African Republic of Senegal) Basonym: Mycobacterium senegalense (Chamoiseau, 1973) Chamoiseau 1979 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Chamoiseau (1973, 1979). The type strain is IEMVT 378 = ATCC 35796 = CCUG 21001 = CIP 104941 = DSM 43656 = JCM 15467 = NCTC 10956.
Mycolicibacterium septicum comb. nov. (sep´ti.cum. L. neut. adj. septicum, producing a putrefaction, putrefying, septic, referring to the isolation of the organism from blood) Basonym: Mycobacterium septicum Schinsky et al. 2000
The description of this taxon is as given by Schinsky et al. (2000). The type strain is W4964 = ATCC 700731 = CCUG 43574 = CIP 106642 = DSM 44393 = JCM 14743.
Mycolicibacterium setense comb. nov. (se.ten´se. N.L. neut. adj. setense, pertaining to Sète (France), the city from which the infected patient originated) Basonym: Mycobacterium setense Lamy et al. 2008
The description of this taxon is as given by Lamy et al. (2008). The type strain is ABO-M06 = CIP 109395 = DSM 45070 = JCM 15660.
Mycolicibacterium smegmatis comb. nov. (´tis. L. n. smegma-atis, an unguent (for making the skin smooth), a detergent, a cleansing medicine, and in biology the sebaceous humor; L. gen. n. smegmatis, of smegma) Basonym: Mycobacterium smegmatis (Trevisan, 1889) Lehmann and Neumann, 1899 (Approved Lists, 1980) (Lehmann and Neumann, 1899)
The description of this taxon is as given by Trevisan (1889); Lehmann and Neumann (1899). The type strain is ATCC 19420 = CCUG 21002 = CCUG 21815 = CIP 104444 = DSM 43756 = JCM 5866 = JCM 6386 = NCTC 8159 = NRRL B-14616 = VKM Ac-1239.
Mycolicibacterium sphagni comb. nov. (sphag´ni. N.L. n. Sphagnum, generic name of the moss of sphagnum bogs, the habitat of these strains; N.L. gen. n. sphagni, of Sphagnum) Basonym: Mycobacterium sphagni Kazda 1980
The description of this taxon is as given by Kazda (1980). The type strain is Sph 38 = ATCC 33027 = DSM 44076.
Mycolicibacterium thermoresistibile comb. nov. (´bi.le. Gr. n. thermê, heat; L. v. resisto, to stand back, remain standing, endure; L. neut. suff. -ile, suffix denoting an active quality, able to; N.L. neut. adj. thermoresistibile, able to resist to high temperature) Basonym: Mycobacterium thermoresistibile Tsukamura 1966 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura (1966). The type strain is ATCC 19527 = CCUG 28008 = CCUG 41353 = CIP 105390 = DSM 44167 = JCM 6362 = NCTC 10409.
Mycolicibacterium tokaiense comb. nov. (to.kai.en´se. N.L. neut. adj. tokaiense, of or belonging to Tokai district of Japan) Basonym: Mycobacterium tokaiense (ex Tsukamura et al. 1973) Tsukamura 1981
The description of this taxon is as given by Tsukamura et al. (1981). The type strain is 47503 (previously, strain 5553) = ATCC 27282 = CIP 106807 = DSM 44635 = JCM 6373 = NCTC 10821.
Mycolicibacterium tusciae comb. nov. (tus´ L. gen. n. tusciae, of Tuscia (the country of the Tuscans), now Tuscany, the Italian region where all the organisms were isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium tusciae Tortoli et al., 1999
The description of this taxon is as given by Tortoli et al. (1999). The type strain is FI-25796 = CCUG 50996 = CIP 106367 = DSM 44338 = JCM 12692.
Mycolicibacterium vaccae comb. nov. (vac´cae. L. gen. n. vaccae, of a cow) Basonym: Mycobacterium vaccae Bönicke and Juhasz 1964 (Approved Lists 1980) (Skerman et al., 1980)
The description of this taxon is as given by Bonicke and Juhasz (1964). The type strain is ATCC 15483 = CCUG 21003 = CIP 105934 = DSM 43292 = HAMBI 2276 = IFO (now NBRC) 14118 = JCM 6389 = NCTC 10916.
Mycolicibacterium vanbaalenii comb. nov. (van.baa.len´i.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. vanbaalenii, of Van Baalen, in memory of Chase Van Baalen, late Professor at The University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas Marine Laboratory, Port Aransas, Texas, USA) Basonym: Mycobacterium vanbaalenii Khan et al. 2002
The description of this taxon is as given by Khan et al. (2002). The type strain is PYR-1 = DSM 7251 = JCM 13017 = NRRL B-24157.
Mycolicibacterium vulneris comb. nov. (vul´ne.ris. L. gen. n. vulneris, of a wound, from which the type strain was isolated) Basonym: Mycobacterium vulneris van Ingen et al. 2009
The description of this taxon is as given by van Ingen et al. (2009). The type strain is NLA000700772 = CIP 109859 = DSM 45247 = JCM 18115.
Mycolicibacterium wolinskyi comb. nov. (wo.lins´ky.i. N.L. masc. gen. n. wolinskyi, of Wolinsky, named for Emanuel Wolinsky for his significant contributions to the study of non-tuberculous mycobacteria) Basonym: Mycobacterium wolinskyi Brown et al. 1999
The description of this taxon is as given by Brown et al. (1999). The type strain is MO739 = ATCC 700010 = CCUG 47168 = CIP 106348 = DSM 44493 = JCM 13393.