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. 2018 Feb 14;12:8. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00008

Table 2.

Distribution of Olig2-AS and GFAP-AS in the adult mouse brain.

Olig2CreER GFAPCre
Olfactory bulb (OB) Immuno
Glomerular layer (GL)
External plexiform layer (EPL)
Mitral cell layer (Mi)
Inner plexiform layer (IPL)
Granular cell layer (GrL)
Striatum (STR)
Caudla putamen (Cpu)
Accumbens nucleus (Acb)
Lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part (LSD)
Lateral septal nucleus, intermediate (LSI)
Septofimbrial nucleus (SFi)
Pallidum (PAL)
Lateral globus pallidus (LGP)
Medial globus pallidus (MGP)
Ventral pallidum (VP)
Substantia innominata (SI)
Magnocellular preoptic nucleus (MCPO)
Medial septum nucleus (MS)
Diagonal band nucleus (NDB)
Bed nucleus of the stria terminals (BST)
Hippocampal region (HIP) Immuno
CA1 pyramidal layer (PyCA1)
CA1 others
CA2 pyramidal layer (PyCA2)
CA2 others
CA3 fields
Dentate gyrus, molecular layer (molDG)
Dentate gyrus, granule cell layer (GrDG)
Dentate gyrus, polymorph layer (PoDG)
Anterodorsal, anteroventralthalamic nucleus (AD, AV)
Reticular thalamic nucleus (Rt)
Thalamic nucleus (MD, CM, AM, VA, PV, VPL, VPM, PF)
Thalamic nucleus (Po, LP)
Geniculate nucleus (MG, VLG)
Periventricular fiber system (pv)
Medial habenular nucleus (MHb)
Lateral habenular nucleus (LHb)
Preoptic area (LPO, MPA, MPO)
Lateral hypothalamic nucleaus (LH)
Hypothalamic area (AH, PH)
Paraventricular zone (PaV, Papo, Spa, SCh)
Subthalamic nucleus (STh)
Zona incerta (ZI)
Mammilary body (MM)
Cerebral cortex (CTX)
Somatosensory area (S1, S1BF, S2)
Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
Motor area (M1, M2)
Cingulate retrosplenial cortex (Cg/RS)
Visual area (V1)
Visual area (V2)
Amygdalohipocampal area (Ahi)
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleusposterior part (BMP)
Posterior cortical amygaloid nucleus (PMCo)
Retrosplenial agranular cortex (RSA)
Retrosplenial granular (RSG)
Superior coliculus (SC)
Inferior colliculus (IC)
Pretectal nucleus (APT, OPT, PPT, MPT)
Deep mesencephalic nucleus (DpMe)
Red nucleus (R)
Periaqueductal gray (PAG)
Ventral tegmental area (VTA)
Substantia nigra (SN)
Principal sensory trigeminal nucleus (Pr5)
Motor trigeminal nucleus (Mo5)
Supratrigerminal nucleus (Su5)
Superior olivary nuclei (SOn)
Pontine nuclei (Pn)
Vestibular nuclei (MV, LV, SpVe, SuVe)
Spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5)
Facial nucleus (7N)
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus (Gi)
Intyermediate reticular nucleus (IRt)
Parvicellular reticular nucleus (PCR)
Deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN)
Vestibulocerebellar nucleus (VeCb)
Cerebellar cortex (CbX)

Staining intensities were arbitrarily classified into three categories (Strong, moderate, and weak/absent).The intensity of each brain nucleus was evaluated by a person who did not know the nature of the staining. Note that GFAP immunoreactivity instead of GFAP-YFP expression was employed in the case of the olfactory bulb and hippocampal regions. Abbreviations of brain nuclei are according to the Mouse Brain Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates (Franklin and Paxinos, 1997).