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. 2017 Apr 13;18(1):127–137. doi: 10.1037/emo0000306

Table 1. WM Performance across Depressive State and Condition.

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3
<BDI-II cutoff
n = 83
>BDI-II cutoff
n = 40
Never depressed
n = 14
n = 13
Never depressed
n = 19
Current MDD
n = 25
Remitted MDD
n = 24
Note. Neutral = proportion of words recalled correctly in the context of neutral sentences; depressogenic = proportion of words recalled correctly in the context of depressogenic sentences; < BDI-II cutoff = individuals scoring 14 or lower on the BDI-II; > BDI-II cutoff = individuals scoring 15 or higher on the BDI-II; never depressed = individuals with no history of MDD; current MDD = individuals currently suffering from MDD; remitted MDD = individuals in remission from MDD; valence = effect comparing negative versus neutral trials; group = effect of group on WMC; Valence × Group = interaction between valence and group.
a Effect size comparing never depressed vs. combined remitted and MDD for comparison with Experiment 1 and 2. For effect sizes across all three groups, please see main text.
Neutral M (SD) .53 (.17) .48 (.13) .50 (.15) .43 (.17) .56 (.15) .48 (.16) .53 (.16)
Depressogenic M (SD) .56 (.19) .52 (.16) .53 (.22) .47 (.19) .60 (.13) .51 (.17) .53 (.19)
aWMC .03 (.09) .04 (.08) .03 (.12) .04 (.09) .04 (.12) .04 (.09) .00 (.10)
Effect sizes (ηp2)
 Valence ηp2 = .15 ηp2 = .13 ηp2 = .06
 Group ηp2 = .02 ηp2 = .04 ηp2 = .01
 Valence × Groupa ηp2 = .01 ηp2 = .02 ηp2 = .01
Bayes factor in support of null hypothesis (BF01) and posterior probability for the experimental hypothesis p(H1, D)
Valence BF01 = 4.53−4; p(H1, D) = 1 BF01 = .58; p(H1, D) = .63 BF01 = .88; p(H1, D) = .52
WMC: Group BF01 = 1.87; p(H1, D) = .35 BF01 = 1.87; p(H1, D) = .35 BF01 = 1.13; p(H1, D) = .47
Valence × Group BF01 = 3.25; p(H1, D) = .23 BF01 = 2.61; p(H1, D) = .28 BF01 = 3.26; p(H1, D) = .23