Illustration of the lDDT-BS analysis for target 2016-07-30_00000063_1 (Myroilysin, PDB ID 5CZW, black cartoon). For the evaluation a reference residue set is created based on any residue in a 3 Å radius from the Zinc ion (light green sphere). The lDDT is calculated based on a 10 Å inclusion radius (grey sphere, grey sticks). Zinc coordinating residues CYS23, HIS137, HIS141 and HIS147 are shown as yellow sticks. Residues of the structure predictions matching the reference set are displayed both in ribbon and sticks in orange for SWISS-MODEL, in blue IntFOLD4-TS and in magenta Sparks-X. All predictions reproduced the Histidine residues with little variation from the reference structure, while they showed a much greater deviation for Cysteine 23.