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. 2017 Dec 19;318(23):2349–2351. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.16908

Table. Suicide Risk Behaviors Among Sexual Minority Adolescents in the United States, 2015a.

Unweighted No. of Participantsc Weighted Prevalence, % (95% CI)d Adjusted Risk Ratio (95% CI)e
Seriously Considered Suicideb
Heterosexualsf 12770 14.8 (13.7-15.9) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 1695 39.7 (36.4-42.9) 2.45 (2.12-2.81)
Homosexual 309 32.8 (22.4-43.1) 2.37 (1.54-3.34)
Bisexual 901 46.0 (41.5-50.4) 2.73 (2.32-3.18)
Questioning 485 31.9 (27.1-36.7) 1.97 (1.47-2.54)
Heterosexuals 6051 19.6 (17.7-21.6) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 1180 43.2 (38.9-47.6) 2.07 (1.76-2.41)
Homosexual 163 40.2 (28.1-52.2) 2.16 (1.49-2.92)
Bisexual 726 47.9 (42.9-52.9) 2.27 (1.91-2.67)
Questioning 291 32.6 (24.6-40.7) 1.47 (0.96-2.08)
Heterosexuals 6719 10.6 (9.6-11.7) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 515 32.0 (26.0-38.0) 3.40 (2.63-4.28)
Homosexual 146 25.5 (14.8-36.1) 2.60 (1.20-4.54)
Bisexual 175 38.5 (25.9-51.1) 4.44 (2.88-6.15)
Questioning 194 30.9 (23.5-38.3) 3.19 (2.18-4.36)
Planned Suicideg
Heterosexuals 12559 11.9 (10.7-13.0) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 1666 34.9 (31.1-38.6) 2.59 (2.18-3.04)
Homosexual 303 29.0 (21.8-36.1) 2.43 (1.67-3.35)
Bisexual 891 40.8 (35.8-45.8) 2.85 (2.34-3.42)
Questioning 472 26.9 (22.3-31.5) 2.20 (1.73-2.74)
Heterosexuals 5960 15.7 (13.8-17.6) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 1166 39.0 (34.2-43.9) 2.27 (1.87-2.72)
Homosexual 160 36.3 (23.9-48.8) 2.21 (1.40-3.15)
Bisexual 721 43.2 (37.7-48.7) 2.51 (2.02-3.05)
Questioning 285 29.3 (22.9-35.7) 1.67 (1.23-2.20)
Heterosexuals 6599 8.6 (7.4-9.8) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 500 25.7 (20.5-30.9) 3.32 (2.38-4.46)
Homosexual 143 21.5 (12.2-30.8) 2.72 (1.50-4.35)
Bisexual 170 31.4 (19.5-43.2) 3.77 (2.06-5.95)
Questioning 187 23.6 (14.9-32.3) 3.49 (2.10-5.18)
Attempted Suicideh
Heterosexuals 10363 6.3 (5.5-7.2) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 1373 24.9 (21.5-28.2) 3.37 (2.73-4.09)
Homosexual 236 20.4 (11.7-29.1) 2.94 (1.70-4.63)
Bisexual 762 31.9 (27.7-36.0) 4.28 (3.34-5.35)
Questioning 375 13.5 (9.3-17.7) 1.90 (1.22-2.85)
Heterosexuals 4973 8.4 (6.7-10.1) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 981 27.8 (23.4-32.3) 3.01 (2.23-3.98)
Homosexual 128 25.8 (12.5-39.1) 2.64 (1.35-4.51)
Bisexual 618 34.1 (29.2-39.1) 3.76 (2.77-5.02)
Questioning 235 11.7 (6.7-16.7) 1.20 (0.63-2.04)
Heterosexuals 5390 4.5 (3.9-5.2) 1 [Reference]
Sexual minorities 392 18.2 (12.7-23.6) 4.34 (2.72-6.51)
Homosexual 108 14.7 (5.5-24.0) 3.56 (1.47-6.86)
Bisexual 144 22.8 (13.0-32.6) 5.71 (2.47-10.61)
Questioning 140 16.0 (8.9-23.1) 4.08 (2.06-7.12)

Data were drawn from the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Nonresponse to the suicide consideration question was 1.0%; to the planning question 2.6%; and to the attempt question 19.7%. Missingness was not related to the relationship between sexual orientation and suicide risk behavior. The missing at random assumption held under various model testing.


Seriously considered suicide was assessed by response to the question “During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide? (yes or no).”


Relevant sample size after listwise deletion.


Prevalence estimate for each outcome after weighting the data to be nationally representative of all adolescents.


Risk ratio simulated from separate logistic regressions for each outcome with confounders for sex, age, race/ethnicity, English language proficiency, and grades. For the race/ethnicity categorical variable, the survey gave participants a list of prespecified races/ethnicities and participants selected categories that applied to them, including the option to select multiple categories. Race/ethnicity was used as a control because different races/ethnicities may have different suicide risks.


Sexual orientation groups were assessed by response to the questions “What is your sex? (male or female)” and “Which of the following best describes you? (heterosexual [straight], gay or lesbian, bisexual, not sure).” Responses of “not sure” were defined as questioning.


Planned suicide was assessed by response to the question “During the past 12 months, did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide?”


Attempted suicide was assessed by response to the question “During the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt suicide” (responses of ≥1 times were coded as a suicide attempt).