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. 2017 Dec 12;318(22):2199–2210. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.14585

Figure 1. FROC Curves of the Top 5 Performing Algorithms vs Pathologist WOTC for the Metastases Identification Task (Task 1) From the CAMELYON16 Competition.

Figure 1.

CAMELYON16 indicates Cancer Metastases in Lymph Nodes Challenge 2016; CULab, Chinese University Lab; FROC, free-response receiver operator characteristic; HMS, Harvard Medical School; MGH, Massachusetts General Hospital; MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; WOTC, without time constraint. The range on the x-axis is linear between 0 and 0.125 (blue) and base 2 logarithmic scale between 0.125 and 8. Teams were those organized in the CAMELYON16 competition. Task 1 was measured on the 129 whole-slide images in the test data set, of which 49 contained metastatic regions. The pathologist did not produce any false-positives and achieved a true-positive fraction of 0.724 for detecting and localizing metastatic regions.