Table 2.
Profiles Survey* 2006 – 2012: Prevalence differences of LNED vending items adjusted for school-level characteristics†
Policy | School Location†† | p-value for difference between locations averaged over time |
Adjusted %, 2006 |
Adjusted %, 2012 |
p-value for change over time |
Change in adjusted % within school type, 2006–2012‡ |
Vending Machine/School Store Present |
Town/Rural Fringea | 0.613 | 91.8% | 90.4% | 0.569 | −1.5% (−6.6%, 3.6%)a |
Town/Rural Distanta | 89.0% | 87.1% | 0.567 | −1.9% (−8.5%, 4.6%)a | ||
Remote Rurala | 90.6% | 88.9% | 0.573 | −1.7% (−7.5%, 4.1%)a | ||
Chocolate Candy | Town/Rural Fringea | < 0.001 | 78.5% | 57.3% | < 0.001 | −21.2% (−30.2%, −12.2%)a |
Town/Rural Distantb | 61.9% | 37.4% | < 0.001 | −24.5% (−34.9%, −14.1%)b | ||
Remote Ruralb | 62.0% | 37.5% | < 0.001 | −24.5% (−34.9%, −14.1%)b | ||
Other Candy | Town/Rural Fringea | 0.002 | 78.8% | 68.0% | 0.014 | −10.8% (−19.4%, −2.2%)a |
Town/Rural Distantb | 62.5% | 48.8% | 0.015 | −13.7% (−24.7%, −2.6%)a | ||
Remote Ruralb | 66.9% | 53.6% | 0.015 | −13.3% (−24.0%, −2.6%)a | ||
Salty Snacks | Town/Rural Fringea | 0.228 | 73.2% | 55.3% | < 0.001 | −17.9% (−27.7%, −8.0%)a |
Town/Rural Distanta | 70.6% | 52.1% | < 0.001 | −18.4% (−28.9%, −8.0%)a | ||
Remote Rurala | 64.4% | 45.2% | < 0.001 | −19.3% (−30.2%, −8.4%)a | ||
Soft Drinks | Town/Rural Fringea | 0.035 | 82.8% | 57.2% | < 0.001 | −25.6% (−34.0%, −17.2%)a |
Town/Rural Distantb | 72.9% | 42.9% | < 0.001 | −30.0% (−40.1%, −20.0%)b | ||
Remote Ruralb | 74.2% | 44.5% | < 0.001 | −29.7% (−39.7%, −19.7%)ab | ||
Sports Drinks | Town/Rural Fringea | 0.928 | 91.2% | 87.3% | 0.259 | −3.8% (−10.5%, 2.8%)a |
Town/Rural Distanta | 92.0% | 88.4% | 0.278 | −3.6% (−10.0%, 2.9%)a | ||
Remote Rurala | 92.4% | 89.0% | 0.269 | −3.4% (−9.4%, 2.6%)a |
Note: The rural subtypes of town/rural fringe, town/rural distant, and remote rural were constructed by the School Obesity-related Policy Evaluation (ScOPE) study team informed by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCA) location classifications. The subtypes represent increasing distances from a metropolitan center.
School Health Profiles Principal's Survey
Models are adjusted for % minority enrollment, % free-reduced price lunch eligibility and school grade level
Locations that do not share a common letter have significantly different prevalences averaged over time (p < 0.05).
Locations that do not share a common letter have significantly different prevalence change between 2006 and 2012 (p <0.05).