Fig 9. Localization of VEEV nsP2 is altered in IFN pre-treated MEF cells.
(A and B) MEF cells were untreated (A) or pre-treated (B) with 150 IU/mL mouse IFN in a 60mm dish for 16h and transfected with plasmids expressing indicated viral proteins. Cells were fixed at 24h post transfection and stained for HA tag as described in Materials and Methods. (C and D) MEF cells were untreated (C) or pre-treated (D) with 150 IU/mL mouse IFN in a 60mm dish for 16h and transfected with plasmids expressing indicated proteins. Lysates were collected at indicated times post transfection. RT PCR for human gamma actin intron #3 was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Results are average of three independent experiments. ****, P<0.0001; **, P<0.003 using t-test. Ns = not significant. All error bars are standard deviations.