Hierarchical clustering of BRIC-16-Cytoskeleton data, normalized using RMA: spaceflight vs. ground control; −5 ≤ fold-change ≥ 5 (P < 0.01). Downregulated transcripts (black) and upregulated transcripts (white) are shown on a grayscale gradient of black to white. DRT100 (AT3G12610) is a DNA damage repair protein that is downregulated in ground control. Water stress genes, including LTI78 (AT5G52310), XERO1 (AT3G50980), are clustered, and DREB2A (AT5G05410) are clustered as downregulated in spaceflight and upregulated in ground control. To produce this heat map and dendrogram, we calculated the Euclidean distance between expression vectors to determine the similarity between two genes. Cluster-to-cluster distances were determined by complete linkage.