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. 2018 Jan;15(1):89–101. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201705-374SD

Table 4.

Components of Long-Term Oxygen Treatment Trial adherence program for participants randomized to supplemental oxygen therapy

Adherence educator
 • Trained and certified in motivational interviewing
 • Help participant realize/calculate/recognize/determine his/her personal level of importance of oxygen
 • Help participant articulate/identify his/her personal barriers to adherence and devise solutions
 • Problem solve/troubleshoot, aiming at participant’s problems with adherence
Adherence promotion contacts after treatment assignment
 • Within first week (in person)
 • Weekly thereafter through 1 mo (telephone)
 • Monthly thereafter through 6 mo (telephone)
 • Every 2 mo thereafter through 12 mo (telephone)
 • Yearly thereafter (in person)
Supplemental oxygen usage reporting
 • Logs filled out by participant (could be supplemented by information obtained from oxygen suppliers), from randomization through end of follow-up and collected every 2 mo
  – Meter readings (oxygen concentrator)
  – Tank counts (gas tanks or liquid tanks)
  – Pounds of oxygen delivered (liquid systems)
 • Interview report of average daily hours of use in last week, at each adherence promotion contact