Fig. 3.
Nrg-1 treatment increases the number of circulating Treg cells in the blood following chronic SCI. a Representative images are provided for the gating strategy for flow cytometric detection of T cells and their regulatory phenotype in the blood. b–d Flow cytometric analysis showed a slight increase in total CD3+CD4+ helper T cell population upon injury. However, at all examined time-points, the total population of helper T cells was not significantly different among any of the studied groups (p > 0.05). The population of FoxP3+ helper T cells was significantly increased at 14 days post-injury in the vehicle- and Nrg-1-treated rats as compared to the uninjured levels while there was no difference between the two injured groups. d At 42-day time-point, Nrg-1 treatment significantly increased the number of IL-10 expressing (CD3+CD4+FoxP3+IL-10+) Treg cells compared to vehicle and uninjured groups while there was no significant difference in the total population of helper and Fox3+ T cells between the vehicle and uninjured groups, (N = 5/group/time-point, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak post hoc test)