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. 2018 Feb 8;2018:3696914. doi: 10.1155/2018/3696914

Table 1.

Role of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway in cardiovascular disease.

Effecter Methods Outcomes Ref.
Cardiovascular development MST1/2 Cardiac-specific knockout of MST1/2 Enlarged hearts; without alteration of cell size [15]
LATS2 Cardiac-specific knockout of LATS2 Enlarged hearts; without alteration of cell size [15]
SAV1 Cardiac-specific knockout of SAV1 Enlarged ventricular chambers; thickened ventricular walls; without alteration of cell size [15]
YAP Deplete YAP with Nkx2.5-Cre Reduced cardiomyocyte proliferative ability; embryonic death at embryonic stage 10.5 [14]
Overexpress YAP with adenovirus Cardiomyocytes number increased significantly in newborn mice [14]
Cardiac/vascular smooth muscle cell-specific ablation of YAP Vascular malformations like ventricular septal defect etc.; might result in perinatal fatality [16]
Epicardial-specific deletion of YAP/TAZ with Sema3dGFPCre+/− Attenuated differentiation of the epicardial cell into coronary endothelial cells; embryonic death between E11.5 and E12.5 [17]

Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis RASSF1A Generated RASSF1A transgenic (TG)/(L308P) RASSF1A TG mice with adenoviral system; subjected them to pressure overload Increased MST1 phosphorylation; promotes cardiomyocyte apoptosis; reduced the proliferation ability of fibroblast and cardiac hypertrophy [19]
MST1 Upregulation of MST1 Enhanced cardiomyocyte apoptosis [18]
MST2 MST2 knockout Attenuated cardiac hypertrophy [20]
MST2 overexpression Increased cardiac hypertrophy [20]
LATS1 Mutation of LATS1 using siRNA Encouraged cardiac hypertrophy [22]
LATS2 Transduced Ad-LATS2 or Ad-LacZ into cultured myocytes; generated LATS2 and DN-LATS2 TG mice using the α-myosin heavy chain promoter Dose dependently increased apoptosis and reduced cardiac myocyte size in vitro; negatively regulated ventricular chamber size in vivo [21]

Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis YAP Cardiac-specific activation of YAP using adenoassociated virus subtype 9 (AAV9) after MI Improved cardiac function without causing hypertrophy; enhanced survival [24]
Cardiac-specific inactivation of YAP1 using α-MHC Cre recombinase transgenic mice; transduced cardiomyocytes with YAP1 or LacZ adenovirus Caused increased cardiomyocyte apoptosis in YAP(−/−) at baseline; YAP expression induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy [25]

Angiogenesis LATS1/2 Coinjection of mRNAs encoding Angiomotin p130 and mRNAs encoding LATS2 Induced angiogenesis defects in zebrafish embryos [30]
YAP Knock-down of YAP by siRNA Significantly reduced the tube formation or sprouting ability of endothelial cells [28]
Upregulation of YAP Induce robust angiogenesis [28]

Heart regeneration YAP Cardiac-specific YAP knockout in MI mice The infract area was broader and cardiomyocytes were less robust [32]
Cardiac-specific upregulation of YAP in MI mice with adenoassociated virus serotype 9 Rescued the cardiomyocyte number and cardiac function [33]
Compared Pitx2-deficient mice and Pitx2-overexpressing mice when subjected to apex dissection Pitx2-deficient mice fail to repair while Pitx2-overexpressing mice showed functional recovery [35]

Cardiomyocyte autophagy MST1/2 Inhibition of MST1 phosphorylation with Melatonin, oncostatin M etc. Promoted cardiac function, enhanced autophagy, and weakened apoptosis [4650]
Phosphorylation of LC3 by MST1/2 Promoted the fusion step of autophagy [51]
NDR1 Interact with Beclin1 Function in the early stage of autophagy [52]