Figure 3. The formation of ectopic pouches is marked by the activation of Wg and JNK at a secondary location.
(A–F) Wg and apoptosis visualized in wing discs following rnts>egr ablation of the pouch at different time points during recovery and regeneration (0 hr, 24 hr, and 48 hr after the downshift) for wild type (A–C) and CtBPQ229*/+ (D–F). Apoptotic cells and their debris stain with an antibody to cleaved Drosophila caspase-1 (DCP-1). (A’–F’) Higher magnification images of the notum region. The site of secondary pouch formation is indicated with an asterisk (*). The arrow in (D’) points to a region where the normal stripe of Wg expression in the notum is disrupted. (G–H) Damage-dependent wg enhancer, BRV-B-GFP, following rnts>egr damage at 0 hr recovery in wild type (G) and CtBPQ229*/+ (H) Boxed regions are shown at higher magnification in (G’–H’). (I) Frequency of ectopic wings (EW) in adults following rnts>egr damage with two (control) or one copy of the damage-dependent wg enhancer (wg1/+), in wild type and CtBPQ229*/+. (J) Frequency of EW in adults following overexpression of UAS-egr or UAS-wg alone, or UAS-egr and UAS-wg together driven by rnts> in wild type and CtBPQ229*/+. (K) Expression of dilp8-GFP (dilp8MI00727) in an undamaged disc. (L–N) Expression of dilp8-GFP in damaged discs after 0 hr of recovery for wild type (L) and CtBPQ229*/+ (M) and after 72 hr of recovery for CtBPQ229*/+ (N). (O) Graph of frequency of discs with a spot of dilp8-GFP expression at different time points of recovery (0 hr, 24 hr, 48 hr, 72 hr), along with the frequency of ectopic wings per side (or heminotum) in adults.