Figure 6. JAK/STAT signaling is important for the formation of the ectopic wings.
(A) Frequency of ectopic wings (EW) following rnts> driven expression of >upd1, >egr or >upd1 together with >egr in wild type and CtBPQ229*/+discs. Data were compared using ANOVA followed by Tukey test for significance (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001) (B) Wing disc following rnts> driven co-expression of >egr and >upd1 after 72 hr of recovery. Pouch identity is shown by anti-Nub and an asterisk marks the ectopic pouch. (C–D) Early L3 (C) and late L3 (D) wing discs stained with anti-Wg and anti-GFP to detect the fast turnover STAT-DGFP reporter. (E–F) Wing discs with STAT-DGFP reporter following rnts>egr damage at 0 hr of recovery in wild type (E) and CtBPQ229*/+ (F) stained with anti-MMP1. Note expression of MMP1 in a subset of cells expressing STAT-DGFP in the area of ectopic pouch formation (asterisk); see (Figure 6—figure supplement 1). (G–I) Wing imaginal discs with both upd3-lacZ and STAT-DGFP reporters in undamaged (G) and damaged wild type (H) and CtBPQ229*/+ (I) discs at 0 hr of recovery. Note area in the notum that expresses STAT-DGFP but does not have elevated levels of upd3-lacZ. (J) Frequency of EW following rnts>egr damage when crossed to 1) FRT82B, 2) FRT82B Stat92E85C9, 3) FRT82B CtBPQ229*, and 4) FRT82B CtBPQ229* Stat92E85C9. Data were compared using ANOVA followed by Tukey test for significance (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001). (K) Frequency of EW following rnts>egr damage in wild type and CtBP334Δ4/+ in the listed genotypes (1) +/+, (2) upd1YM55/+, (3) upd2Δ/+, (4) upd3Δ/+, and (5) upd2Δupd3Δ/+. In addition, co-expression of >upd1 with rnts>egr in (1) CtBP334Δ4/+ and (2) upd2Δupd3Δ/+;; CtBP334Δ4/+ genetic backgrounds. Note the rescue of EW induction in upd2Δupd3Δ/+ background by the co-expression of >upd1.