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. 2018 Feb 15;23(7):18-00057. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.7.18-00057

Table 1. Characteristics of the patients with medically-attended influenza-like illness included in the test-negative case–control analysis, Navarre, Spain, December 2017–January 2018 (n = 1,268 patients).

Characteristics Test-negative controls All influenza cases Influenza B Influenza A(H3N2) Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
N % N % N % N % N %
Age groups (years)
9–24 14 2 35 5 30 6 2 2 3 8
25–44 89 15 150 23 109 22 27 22 14 39
45–64 123 20 170 26 136 27 25 21 8 22
65–84 271 44 203 31 158 32 37 32 8 22
≥ 85 117 19 96 15 65 13 27 23 3 8
Male 336 55 311 48 230 46 62 52 18 50
Female 278 45 343 52 268 54 56 48 18 50
Major chronic conditions
No 167 27 278 43 221 44 37 31 19 53
Yes 447 73 376 57 277 56 80 69 17 47
Month of swabbing
December 178 29 91 14 76 15 11 9 4 11
January 436 71 563 86 422 85 107 91 32 89
Target group for vaccinationa
No 110 18 210 32 164 33 27 23 18 50
Yes 504 82 444 68 334 67 91 77 18 50
Healthcare setting
Primary healthcare 131 21 329 50 264 53 43 37 22 61
Hospitalization 483 79 325 50 234 47 75 63 14 39
2017/18 season vaccine
No 283 46 423 65 328 66 66 56 28 78
Yes 331 54 231 35 170 34 52 44 8 22
Total 614 100 654 100b 498 100 118 100 36 100

a Target group for vaccination includes people ≥ 60 years-old and people with major chronic conditions.

b Two cases were influenza A not subtyped.