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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 23.
Published in final edited form as: Sex Transm Dis. 2009 Apr;36(4):249–257. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3181901aec


Participant Characteristics at Enrollment

Characteristic Arm Type Total

Gel-Diaphragm Gel-Only

n = 93 %* n = 96 (%)* n = 189 (%)*
 Diaphragm plus AcidformTM 45 (48) 45 (24)
 Diaphragm plus HEC 48 (52) 48 (25)
 Acidform alone 48 (50) 48 (25)
 HEC alone 48 (50) 48 (25)
 Mahajanga 23 (25) 24 (25) 47 (25)
 Tamatave 24 (26) 24 (25) 48 (25)
 Toamasina 22 (24) 24 (25) 46 (24)
 Antananarivo 24 (26) 24 (25) 48 (25)
Have a husband or boyfriend
 Yes 36 (39) 43 (45) 79 (42)
 No 57 (61) 53 (55) 110 (58)
Marital status
 Never married 42 (45) 43 (45) 85 (45)
 Cohabitation/married 11 (12) 11 (12) 22 (12)
 Divorced/separated/widowed 40 (43) 42 (44) 82 (43)
Share bedroom with ≥2 people
 Yes 40 (43) 34 (35) 74 (39)
 No 53 (57) 62 (65) 115 (61)
Frequency of internal vaginal cleaning
 More than once a day 82 (88) 83 (87) 165 (87)
 About once a day 7 (8) 11 (12) 18 (10)
 Less than once day 4 (4) 2 (2) 6 (3)
Ever used any birth control method
 Yes 86 (92) 87 (91) 173 (92)
 No 7 (8) 9 (9) 16 (8)
Ever unwanted pregnancy
 Yes 41 (44) 56 (58) 97 (51)
 No 52 (56) 40 (42) 92 (49)
Ever used female condoms for HIV prevention
 Yes 16 (17) 15 (16) 31 (16)
 No 77 (83) 81 (84) 158 (84)
Typical condom use with husband/boyfriend
 Never/rarely 21 (23) 23 (24) 44 (23)
 Sometimes 11 (12) 13 (14) 24 (13)
 Always/almost always 3 (3) 6 (6) 9 (5)
 No husband/boyfriend 57 (62) 53 (55) 110 (58)
Typical condom use with casual partners
 Never/rarely 12 (13) 4 (4) 16 (8)
 Sometimes 42 (45) 41 (43) 83 (44)
 Always/almost always 39 (42) 51 (53) 90 (48)
Ever refused sex if causal partner refused to use condom
 No 23 (25) 15 (16) 38 (20)
 Yes 69 (74) 80 (83) 149 (79)
Any casual partner ever violent because asked to use condom
 No 79 (85) 70 (73) 149 (79)
 Yes 14 (15) 26 (27) 40 (21)
Participated in previous trial of STI or pregnancy prevention product
 No 66 (71) 65 (68) 131 (69)
 Yes 26 (28) 31 (32) 57 (30)
Median Range Median Range Median Range

Age, (yrs) 28 17–54 30 16–51 29 16–54
Age at coital debut, yrs 17 12–28 17 13–20 17 12–28
Education, yrs 6 0–13 5.5 0–12 6 0–13
No. sex partners in typical week 8 3–60 6 2–40 7 2–60
No. sex acts in typical week 10 3–60 9 2–45 10 2–60

Because of rounding and missing data, not all categories sum to 100%.