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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 23.
Published in final edited form as: Sex Transm Dis. 2009 Apr;36(4):249–257. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3181901aec


Preliminary, Domain-Adjusted Models Predicting Self-Reported Adherent Use of Assigned Study Products

Characteristic Arm Type

Gel-Diaphragm (n = 364 Visits)
n and % Adherent
Gel-Only (n = 381 Visits)
n and % Adherent

n % RR 95% CI P n % RR 95% CI P
Model 1: Trial and demographic factors*
  Diaphragm plus Acidform 78 45.1 0.68 0.51, 0.91 <0.01
  Diaphragm plus HEC (referent) 124 64.9 1.
  AcidformTM alone 69 36.5 1.35 0.94, 1.92 0.10
  HEC alone (referent) 50 26.0 1.
  Week 1 (referent) 39 43.3 1. 27 28.4 1.
  Week 2 45 48.9 1.15 0.92, 1.44 0.22 19 20.2 0.75 0.49, 1.13 0.17
  Week 3 57 62.6 1.43 1.13, 1.82 <0.01 30 31.3 1.11 0.76, 1.64 0.59
  Week 4 61 67.0 1.57 1.23, 1.99 <0.01 43 44.8 1.66 1.16, 2.38 <0.01
  Mahajanga 49 54.4 0.93 0.64, 1.35 0.70 28 29.5 1.16 0.69, 1.94 0.58
  Tamatave 49 51.6 0.90 0.61, 1.32 0.59 36 37.5 1.63 1.00, 2.65 0.05
  Toamasina 45 54.2 1.00 0.60, 1.66 0.99 30 31.6 1.46 0.84, 2.55 0.18
  Antananarivo (referent) 59 61.5 1. 25 26.3 1.
  16–24 yr (referent) 60 52.2 1. 23 24.5 1.
  25–30 yr 67 59.8 1.19 0.87, 1.63 0.27 36 36.0 1.38 0.79, 2.44 0.26
  31–35 yr 19 43.2 0.83 0.50, 1.39 0.48 19 21.6 0.87 0.44, 1.70 0.68
  36+ yrs 56 60.2 1.20 0.84, 1.71 0.31 41 41.4 1.62 0.94, 2.81 0.08
  ≤5 yr 107 58.8 1.16 0.83, 1.63 0.39 60 31.6 1.20 0.81, 1.77 0.37
  >5 yr (referent) 95 52.2 1. 59 30.9 1.
 Share bedroom with ≥2 people
  Yes 96 60.8 1.15 0.86, 1.54 0.36 48 35.8 1.26 0.85, 1.86 0.25
  No (referent) 106 51.5 1. 71 28.7 1.
 Participated in STI or pregnancy prevention study
  Yes (referent) 56 53.9 1. 37 30.1 1.
  No 145 56.6 0.96 0.72, 1.28 0.79 82 31.8 0.91 0.62, 1.33 0.62
Model 2: Sexual and reproductive factors*
 Ever unwanted pregnancy
  Yes 71 44.9 0.73 0.57, 0.95 0.02 74 33.3 1.00 0.69, 1.47 0.98
  No (referent) 131 63.6 1. 45 28.3 1.
 No. sex acts in previous week
  1–9 acts 47 61.0 1.11 0.85, 1.45 0.46 40 40.8 2.01 1.25, 3.23 <0.01
  10–18 acts 98 59.8 1.02 0.80, 1.31 0.88 59 31.9 1.32 0.90, 1.96 0.16
  ≥19 acts (referent) 57 46.3 1. 20 20.4 1.
 Baseline condom use with casual partners
  Never/rarely 30 62.5 1.24 0.88, 1.76 0.22 6 37.5 1.09 0.63, 1.49 0.63
  Sometimes 93 57.4 1.06 0.82, 1.37 0.64 52 31.7 1.29 0.52, 3.17 0.58
  Always/almost always (referent) 79 51.3 1. 61 30.4 1.
 Ever female condoms for HIV prevention
  Yes 47 73.4 1.42 1.12, 1.80 <0.01 22 36.7 1.45 0.94, 2.22 0.09
  No (referent) 155 51.7 1. 97 30.2 1.
 Used any birth control method ever
  Yes 191 40.7 1.32 0.65, 2.68 0.43 112 32.4 1.84 0.77, 4.41 0.17
  No (referent) 11 56.7 1. 7 20.0 1.
 Frequency of internal vaginal cleaning
  Once a day or less often 23 53.5 1.18 0.80, 1.74 0.40 18 35.3 1.18 0.69, 2.02 0.54
  More than once a day (referent) 179 55.8 1. 101 30.6 1.
 Had sex with husband/boyfriend in last week
  No 162 61.1 1.35 1.00, 1.81 0.05 94 36.9 1.73 1.17, 2.56 <0.01
  Yes (referent) 40 40.8 1. 25 19.8 1.
Model 3: Product-related and power/control factors*
 Ease of concealing products from casual partners
  Very/somewhat easy 206 61.7 3.17 0.92, 10.90 0.07 105 35.7 1.62 0.90, 2.93 0.11
  Did not conceal 7 43.8 4.42 1.23, 15.91 0.02 7 18.9 2.26 0.82, 6.25 0.12
  Very/somewhat hard (referent) 2 14.3 1. 7 15.6 1.
 Importance of casual partners not knowing about products
  Very important 97 59.5 1.01 0.81, 1.25 0.96 98 34.8 1.55 0.71, 3.39 0.28
  Moderately important 16 35.6 0.73 0.52, 1.01 0.06 10 25.0 1.17 0.59, 2.30 0.65
  Not important (referent) 87 58.0 1. 11 20.8 1.
 How often casual partners aware of product use?
  Never 163 62.0 2.00 1.03, 3.88 0.04 93 35.0 1.79 0.66, 4.84 0.25
  Sometimes 32 42.7 1.74 0.91, 3.33 0.09 22 28.2 2.00 0.75, 5.36 0.17
  Always (referent) 6 31.6 1. 4 15.4 1.
 Experienced problems with products in previous week
  No 192 58.9 1.48 0.96, 2.28 0.07 110 32.9 1.21 0.60, 2.44 0.60
  Yes (referent) 10 30.3 1. 9 22.0 1.
 How much control over condoms with casual partners
  None/a little bit 81 50.3 0.95 0.74, 1.21 0.68 49 34.3 1.28 0.90, 1.81 0.17
  A lot/complete (referent) 121 59.6 1. 70 29.4 1.
 Any casual partner ever violent because asked to use condom
  Yes 44 78.6 1.43 1.14, 1.80 <0.01 36 35.3 1.14 0.80, 1.62 0.47
  No (referent) 158 51.3 1. 83 29.8 1.

Each model adjusts for all domain-specific variables; presented estimates controls for all other variables in that domain. All models are also adjusted for randomization arm, age, study visit and number of sex acts in previous week.