Kelp was grown for four weeks in four different abiotic stressors, present-day 12 oC 500 ppm of CO2 ○, Elevated Temperature 15 oC 500 ppm of CO2 □, Elevated pCO2 12 oC 1300 ppm of CO2 △, and future conditions 15 oC 1300 ppm of CO2 ◇. (a) Growth of kelp over the duration of the experiment. Each week, 18 fronds were sampled and weighed per incubation mesocosm. (b) Elevated pCO2 was maintained between 1,200 and 1,400 ppm of CO2 whereas temperature was held constant at either 12 oC or 15 oC. (c) microbiome species richness. At week 4, microbial communities were sampled from the water and kelp surfaces and sequenced. Alpha diversity, Shannon species richness, was calculated for all microbiome samples using MG-RAST (grey scale represents replicates; three for water and 2 or 1 for kelp surface).