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. 2018 Feb 23;13(2):e0193471. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193471

Table 2. Dog-directed parenting components.

Dog owning parents (N = 518) reported on dog-directed parenting in 32 items adapted from the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). Answers on a five-point Likert scale were analysed by Principal Component Analysis and presented are the loadings ≥ |0.4| and percentages of variation explained by the main components, which represented dimensions of parenting authoritarian, authoritatively-intrinsic value orientated and authoritatively-training orientated.

Item Variation explained
(latent root)
16% 11% 8%
(5.2) (3.4) (2.6)
Authoritarian Authoritative-intrinsic value orientated Authoritative-training orientated
I use a corrective slap when my dog misbehaves.AN -0.67
I raise my voice to make my dog improve.AN -0.67
I yell or shout when my dog misbehaves.AN -0.65
I use physical punishment (for instance a slap or a correction chain) as a way to improve my dog’s behaviour.AN -0.64
I can explode in anger towards my dog when he does something he knows I don’t want him to do.AN -0.63
I grab my dog when he is being disobedient.AN -0.62
I use a poke of my finger, or short kick to snap my dog out of it when it misbehaves.AN -0.60
I scold or criticize when my dog's behaviour doesn't meet my expectations.AN -0.58
I use threats as punishment without feeling need for justification towards my dog.AN -0.51
When I ask my dog to do something, he should do so, because I said so and I am its boss.AN* -0.47
I threaten with punishments towards my dog and do not actually do them.PM! -0.42
I allow my dog to give input on decisions for instance with regard to the route we follow on walks.AV 0.68
I give comfort when my dog is upset.AV 0.64
I spoil my dog.PM! 0.57
I take my dog's desires into account before asking him to do something.AV 0.57
I am responsive to my dog's feelings or needs.AV 0.52
When I ask my dog to do something, he should do so, because I said so and I am its boss. AN!* -0.50
I encourage my dog to show how it feels, it is allowed to growl for instance, when uncomfortable.AV 0.50
I give into my dog when he causes a commotion about something or doesn’t do something I want it to.PM! 0.48
I take into account my dog's preferences in making plans.AV 0.47
I use more or higher value reward (food or toy) when I believe my dog should really do something in a situation.AV 0.66
I practice behaviour step by step with my dog, so I am sure he understands what I ask of him.AV 0.60
I think about why rules should be obeyed by my dog.AV 0.58
I give praise when my dog is good.AV 0.57

AN—Authoritarian item in the original PSDQ.

AV—Authoritative item.

PM–Permissive item.

!—Item scoring in a different PSDQ dimension than found originally by Robinson et al. [6].

*—Item surfacing in two PCA-components.