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. 2018 Jan 22;9(1):103–118. doi: 10.1007/s13244-017-0586-x

Fig. 4. Cephalhematoma.

Fig. 4

1-month-old male with history of traumatic delivery presenting with right parietooccipital soft tissue swelling. Transverse grayscale ultrasound (a) image of the left parietooccipital scalp shows a complex fluid collection (arrow), with punctate linear echogenic foci along the superficial aspect (arrowheads), suggestive of calcifications. Relationship with the adjacent left lambdoid suture was difficult to evaluate by ultrasound. B. Coronal non-contrast head CT (b) image demonstrates a lobulated fluid collection with thick septations and peripheral calcifications (arrowheads) that does not cross the adjacent sagittal or the lambdoid suture, suggestive of cephalhematoma. 3-D volume (c) rendered images in bone algorithm shows cortical irregularity along the left parietal bone at the site of cephalhematoma as well as peripheral calcifications along the superficial aspect of the cephalhematoma. Coronal T2 image (d) from an MR exam obtained one week later in the setting of patient’s seizures re-demonstrates the large subperiosteal complex fluid collection with thick septations and isointense fluid signal consistent with evolving blood products in the known left parietal cephalhematoma