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. 2018 Feb 18;24:997–1007. doi: 10.12659/MSM.909059

Supplementary Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of donors and recipients included in the study.

Variables Kidney transplantation Liver transplantation Heart transplantation Lung transplantation
Characteristics of donor
Age <18 18345 77 <0.01 11665 55 <0.01 23787 353 <0.01 2815 11 <0.01
18–50 135387 1767 48076 760 6783 27 15070 213
>50 55504 2852 27150 1898 2574 124 3526 189
Gender Male 113302 1870 <0.01 51671 1228 <0.01 22979 258 <0.01 12873 161 <0.01
Female 95934 2826 35220 1485 10165 246 8538 252
Race White 173869 4396 <0.01 69660 2507 <0.01 27079 457 <0.01 16470 374 <0.01
Black 27680 230 14474 168 5211 34 3995 27
Asian 5498 44 1969 29 542 7 500 9
Other/unknown 2155 24 788 9 305 6 172 3
Blood type A 70690 1761 <0.01 31739 1009 0.19 11788 211 0.03 7634 166 0.30
B 22302 446 9935 302 3468 42 2273 41
AB 5693 120 2577 62 665 10 441 8
O 110551 2369 42640 1340 17223 241 11063 198
Characteristics of recipient
Age (years) <18 9783 68 <0.01 8034 48 <0.01 9376 129 <0.01 711 7 0.05
18–50 86848 1403 23432 677 4964 21 5905 101
>50 112605 3225 55425 2713 18804 354 14795 305
Gender Male 127093 2923 0.04 56555 1801 0.16 23893 348 0.13 12131 222 0.24
Female 82143 1773 30336 912 9251 156 9280 191
Race White 140790 3205 0.55 73164 2316 0.12 25699 395 0.98 19285 378 0.30
Black 53994 1169 8853 244 6085 89 1718 32
Asian 11014 245 3800 126 956 14 272 1
Other/unknown 3426 77 1074 27 404 6 135 2
Blood type A 77749 1837 <0.01 32354 1071 <0.01 13668 227 0.33 8566 184 0.30
B 27150 535 11716 299 4659 68 2381 45
AB 10208 226 4317 124 1701 21 847 14
O 94129 2098 38504 1219 13116 168 9617 170
BMI <25 86774 1771 <0.01 31046 825 <0.01 14771 223 0.96 10994 191 0.16
25–<30 63203 1473 26445 863 10528 162 7071 154
30–<35 39796 968 15543 567 5436 81 3049 60
≥35 19463 484 9164 316 1581 27 297 8
Unknown 0 0 4693 142 828 11 0 0
Primary diagnosis* A 47450 1183 <0.01 5013 140 <0.01 27645 453 0.00 799 17 0.97
B 49590 1303 65473 1999 1447 22 8280 121
C 30353 598 11657 432 3101 18 7701 150
D 80177 1583 4748 142 951 11 6631 125
Malignancy history No 191219 4196 <0.01 78235 1901 0.33 30832 447 <0.01 19717 371 0.04
Yes 10273 310 4259 144 1770 45 1259 27
Unknown 7310 184 1879 586 542 12 418 15
Primary diagnosis*
A Hypertension ALF Cardiomyopathy Alpha-1
C GN Malignancy Congenital IPF
D Other Other Other Other