Figure 1.
Female mice born and raised under a short-day photoperiod (SP) exhibit delayed sexual maturation. (A,D,G) Graphs showing the percentages of control females and females born and raised under a SP (n = 12/14 per group) that exhibited vaginal opening (A), first estrus (D), and the first occurrence of an estrous cycle of typical duration (G). (B,E,H) Average time required for control and SP females to exhibit vaginal opening (B), first estrus (E), and the onset of cyclicity (H). (C,F,I,J). Body weight of control and females under SP at specific stages of sexual maturation and throughout development (J). (K) Uterine mass of adult controls and adult females in SP (n = 9/10 per group). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.0005 vs control.