(A) Dendrogram (top) illustrates the topological overlap between genes in the juvenile Area X overall network. Modules delineated by automated tree trimming are shown below and are depicted by arbitrary colors. Beneath the color bar, gene significances to the quantified behaviors (number of motifs sung, tutor similarity, acute variability changes, and overall variability; see Results) are indicated by a heatmap wherein red indicates a positive correlation and blue indicates a negative correlation (see B for scale). (B) Correlations between module eigengenes and each behavior are presented as a heatmap. The Pearson’s ρ and, in parentheses, Student’s asymptotic p-values for modules where p≤0.05 are displayed. P-values are uncorrected for multiple hypothesis testing but those that pass FDR correction at p≤0.05 are denoted by * (See ‘Correlation of behavior to gene expression’ in Materials and methods). (C) For all significant module-trait correlations, the relationship between gene significance and module membership is plotted for each gene in the module. Dashed lines represent the linear regression and the Pearson’s ρ (‘cor’) and p-value as determined by Fisher’s z-transformation are indicated above each plot. (D) The average whole network connectivity (kTotal) within each module reveals that the purple, green, and pink modules are composed of the most strongly connected genes in the network. (E) Term significances for the black, darkred, and green modules are indicated for disease, gene ontology biological process and molecular function, as well as for pathways for categories annotated as ‘neuronal’ in the GeneCards GeneAnalytics software. (F) Network plots of the modules presented in panel E where nodes represent genes scaled by the node’s intramodular connectivity and edge width displays the topological overlap between genes.
Figure 3—source data 1. The behavioral metrics that were correlated to the network to generate (A) and (B).
Figure 3—source data 2. An R workspace containing the network presented in (A).
Figure 3—source data 3. An R workspace containing the processed expression data for the network presented in (A).
Figure 3—source data 4. The Pearson correlation values for each module eigengene and the behavioral metrics in Figure 3—source data 1.These data are the basis for panel 3B.