(A) Immunoprecipitated Flag-tagged enolase 1 was western blotted with anti-LVxx(succ)K succinylated lysine motif and anti-Flag antibodies. Lysates were western blotted for CPT1A and β-actin.
(B) Left: WB of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay samples using purified CPT1A WT or H473A and enolase 1 with anti-pan-succinylated lysine, anti-CPT1A, and anti-enolase 1 antibodies. Right: enolase activity of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay samples.
(C) WB of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay samples using purified CPT1A WT and BSA with anti-pan-succinylated lysine, anti-CPT1A, and anti-BSA antibodies.
(D) WB of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay samples at the indicated time points with anti-pan-succinylated lysine, anti-CPT1A, and anti-enolase 1 antibodies.
(E) WB of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay using the indicated amounts of purified CPT1A WT and enolase 1 with anti-pan-succinylated lysine, anti-CPT1A, and anti-enolase 1 antibodies.
(F) Enolase activity of the in vitro succinyltransferase assay samples using purified CPT1A WT with enolase 1 WT or 3KR.
Error bars, ±SD of three independent measurements. P values were determined using a two-tailed Student’s t test. **p < 0.01; n.s., not significant. See also Figure S3.