Figure 4. Virtual sensor time-frequency spectra for the peri-movement beta ERD and MRGS response.
Voxel time series were extracted from each participant’s data using the peak voxels corresponding to the peri-movement beta ERD and MRGS in the grand average images. For the beta ERD, virtual sensors were extracted for the left (top row) and right primary motor cortices (not shown), while for the MRGS virtual sensors were extracted solely from the left primary cortex (bottom row). For each voxel time series, frequency (in Hz) is shown on the y-axis, with time (in seconds) on the x-axis. In each spectrogram, color depicts percentage increase (warmer colors) or decrease (cooler colors) from the baseline, with the scale bar shown to the far right of each row. Time-frequency spectrograms combined across both conditions are shown in the left column, while the congruent condition is shown in the middle column and the incongruent condition is shown in the right column. White boxes denote the time-frequency bins that were imaged prior to virtual sensor extraction.