Figure 3.
The psychological scores were tested for associations with genotype and the fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the tracts included in each network through a series of univariate analyses of variance models. For the BIS/BAS questionnaire, the four subscales and the BIS/BAS ratio (BBr) were tested in five different models. The threshold for significance was set at p < 0.01, to allow for multiple testing correction according to Bonferroni’s approach. Age was again entered as nuisance covariate. In each model, the white matter (WM) tracts comprising the network of interest were entered as independent variables. Only the “risk-network” results are represented here. (A) The predicted value of the BBr is plotted against the FA of the right anterior thalamic radiations (ATR); (B,C) the predicted value of the BIS is plotted against the FA of the right ATR (B) and of the right accumbofrontal fasciculus (C); (D) the predicted value of the BAS Drive subscale is plotted against the ADC of the right ATR. Details regarding the results can be found in Table 4.