Figure 1.
A forest plot showing the effect sizes of all male studies that tested the association between social status and parasitism. Positive values indicate higher parasitism in dominants; negative values indicate higher parasitism in subordinates. The error bars represent the 95% CI lower limit and the 95% CI upper limit; the square represents the effect size (d) of each study. The center of the diamond represents the effect size and its length represents the 95% CI for all male studies. Purple = Order PrimatesA; Orange = Class AvesB; Yellow = Order SquamataC; Blue = Order PerissodactylaD; Pink = Order CarnivoraE; Green = Order ArtiodactylaF; Gray = Order ActinopterygiiG. Silhouettes are adapted from “Monkey”A, “Zebra”D, “Meerkat”E, and “Impala”F icons by Anniken & Andreas, “Sparrow”B icon by Hernan D. Schlosman, “Lizard”C icon by B. Agustín Amenábar Larraín, and “Fish”G icon by Aleksandr Vector from the Noun Project.