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. 2017 Nov 1;57(3):333–337. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.9382-17


Reported Cases of Percutaneous Transhepatic SEMS Placement for Malignant ALO.

Case Reference Year Age (y) Gender Etiology Reconstruction SEMS Delivery
1 7 2000 65 M Gastric cancer NA Wallstent 22×100 mm, (uncovered) 10Fr
2 8 2000 47 M Gastric cancer Roux-en-Y Wallstent 10×70 mm (uncovered) NA
3 9 2003 62 M Pancreatic cancer Whipple Wallstent NA×60 mm (uncovered) 10Fr
4 10 2005 77 M Gastric cancer Billroth II SMART stent 10×80 mm
SMART stent 10×40 mm (uncovered)
5 11 2007 46 F Gastric cancer Billroth II Nitinol SEMS 18×80 mm (partially covered) 12Fr
6 11 2007 60 M Gastric cancer Billroth II Nitinol SEMS 18×80 mm, (partially covered) 12Fr
7 6 2010 71 M Ampullary carcinoma Whipple ComVi 22×100 mm (covered) 10.5Fr
8 12 2012 51 M Ampullary carcinoma Child WallFlex 22×120 mm (uncovered) 10Fr
9 Current case 2017 71 M Gastric cancer Roux-en-Y WallFlex 22×90 mm (uncovered) 10Fr