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. 2017 Dec 27;29(3):1020–1029. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016090995

Table 2.

Results of genetic investigations in 14 women with aHUS

Patient Gene Alteration in Protein Domain In Silico Predictions on Possible Functional Effect Minor Allele Frequencya Functional Effect Risk Haplotype Copy Number of CFH, CFHR1,-R2, -R3, and -R5
A.1 CFI p.G342E serine
protease probably damaging,1 damaging,2
deleterious,3 disease causing4 0% not characterized42 het CFH H3 no alteration
CD46 p.D257Vfsa42 SCR4 disease causing4 0% FS causing, damaging43
A.2 CFI p.I416L serine
protease benign,1 tolerated,2 neutral,3
disease causing4 0.01%–1.29% quantitative Factor I Deficiency42,4447 none het dele CFHR1,-R3
B.1 none na na na na het CFH c.-331C>T het dele CFHR1,-R3
B.2 none na na na na hom CFH H3 no alteration
B.3 CD46 p.E234K SCR4 benign,1 tolerated,2 neutral,3 poly4 0% not characterized7 het CFH H3 no alteration
B.4 C3 p.D61N MG1 probably damaging,1 tolerated,2
neutral,3 poly4 0% not characterizedb het CFH H3 no alteration
B.5 CD46 p.A353V TM benign,1 tolerated,2 neutral,3 poly4 0.29%–1.73% deficient cell surface control of AP4852 none no alteration
C.1 C3 p.K104E MG1 benign,1 tolerated,2 neutral,3 poly4 0% not characterized het CFH H3 no alteration
C3 p.D1457H MG8 probably damaging,1 damaging,2
deleterious,3 poly4 0.34% not characterized
C.2 THBD p.E560Q probably damaging,1 tolerated,2
neutral,3 disease causing4 0.01%–0.02% not characterized het CFH H3 no alteration
C.3 none na na na na het CFH H3/H8 na
C.4 CFHR5 p.E163Rfsa34 SCR3 disease causing4 0.09%–0.30% FS causing, damaging53,54 none no alteration
C.5 none None na na na na hom CFH H3 no alteration
C.6 CFH p.N516K SCR9 probably damaging,1 tolerated,2
deleterious,3 poly4 0.02%–0.04% not characterized42,44,48,55 het CFH H3
hom p.E936D no alteration
C.7 CFH p.D748Nfsa10 SCR13 disease causing4 0% FS causing, damaging het CFH H3
CD46 p.A353V TM benign,1 tolerated,2 neutral,3 poly4 0.29%–1.73% deficient cell surface control of AP4852 no alteration

CFH, complement factor H; CFHR1–5, CFH related protein 1–5; CFI, complement factor I; het, heterogeneous; CD46, cluster of differentiation 46; SCR, short consensus repeat; FS, frameshift; dele, deletion; na, not applicable; hom, homogenous; poly, polymorphism; MG, macroglobulin; TM, transmembrane; AP, alternative pathway; THBD, thrombomodulin.


Minor allele frequency was included on the basis of the Exome Sequencing ( and 1000 Genomes Projects (reported by dbSNP; for patient C.3 only CFH was analyzed and CFH c.-331C>T was not included (CFH-H3/H8); CFHR5 was sequenced only in patients C.4 and C.5.


p.K65Q at a near site affects the C3 binding to factor H and membrane cofactor protein.