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. 2017 Jun 20;364(13):fnx131. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnx131

Table I.

Strains used in this study.

Strain Description Source or reference
TEA028 Derivative of EHEC serotype O157:H7 strain EDL933, ΔgalETKM::tetA Ho and Waldor (2007)
TEA028-rne Derivative of TEA028 into which the IPTG-inducible, HA- and His6-tagged rne gene from E. coli RNE102 has been transduced. This strain also produces the LacIQ repressor from a plasmid This study
EDL933 ΔgalU Derivative of EDL933 in which a kanamycin resistance marker has been inserted into the galU gene This study
EDL933ΔLEE Derivative of EDL933 in which the LEE pathogenicity island encoding the T3SS has been deleted Pósfai et al. (1997)
RNE102 Derivative of E. coli Keio BW25113. The rne gene is HA- and His6-tagged and transcribed from a Plac promoter. Thus, IPTG is required for rne transcription. An ampicillin resistance marker is located upstream Plac This study
RNE100 Derivative of E. coli Keio BW25113. The rne gene is HA- and His6-tagged and transcribed from the rne promoter This study
MC4100 Non-pathogenic E. coli K-12 strain used as a positive control for P1 transduction experiments Casadaban (1976)