Figure 9. .
(A) miRNA-20a release behavior from 22.5% (w/v) photodegradable hydrogels into DMEM-LG in the absence or presence of ‘UV 2–10’ daily. (B) Photomicrographs of ARS staining depicting the deposition of calcium and (C) quantification of deposited calcium (normalized to ‘Ctrl’) by hMSCs cultured in monolayer and transfected with the same concentration (40 nM) of released miRNA-20a from hydrogels at day 2 (D2) or day 4 (D4) or freshly reconstituted lyophilized RNA/PEI complexes of siCT (‘siCT’) or miRNA-20a (‘Pos. Ctrl’). ‘Gel only’: pooled D4 releasates from ‘UV’-treated hydrogels lacking RNA. The scale bar indicates 200 μm.
#p < 0.01 compared with groups that do not contain the same symbol.
*p < 0.05.