Fig. 6.
HCHF-Induced Coronary Artery Disease in Ldlr −/− Hamsters. Male Ldlr −/− hamsters aged 8–10 weeks (n = 17) were fed the HCHF diet for 12 weeks. Sex-matched WT controls at the same age (n = 10) were on a special diet containing 3% cholesterol and 20% butter. (a and b) Plasma TC and TG. (c) Survival rate on the HCHF diet. (d-f) Oil Red O staining of the whole aorta, aortic root and coronary artery from the Ldlr −/− hamsters. (g) Sirius red staining of the myocardium from the WT and Ldlr −/− hamsters on the indicated diets. All data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. ** denotes p < 0.01.